Chapter 14 - Eternal Knight, Kapali

Shiva didn't know how much time has been passed.

He slowly opened his eyes and got up.


There was still a bit of headache remaining but he ignored it and looked ahead, only to jump back at surprise.


Sitting just in front of him was the white-headed Ranga.

He was so weirdly cute that it almost gave him a heart attack.

"Ranga, please don't scare me off like that"

Shiva said to which the skeleton just looked blankly at him.

Sighing to himself, Shiva got up again and looked around him.

A lot of corpses were there in his surroundings and two of his skeletons were destroyed, maybe due to the fights that occurred when he was asleep.

And now that he noticed it the coffin was empty.

Shiva hurriedly looked around and was greeted by a bizarre situation.

"I, The eternal golem greets my liege "

A man.....was it a man? anyway, a being completely covered in black armor was kneeling in front of him with its hand held at its heart.

"Who....Who are you?"

It was the first
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