Author: Hemmingway

 Ayres ,Ayres ....Aerys!

father what's with the yelling, I could hear you hear you all the way from the fields .

you're asking me what the matter is? that damn bastard you call a son went into my courtiers again and mishandled my sword putting holes into everything he could find.

my blood as well as yours runs through him ,he is no bastard and I'd appreciate it if you could show your grandson a little more love and affection, hes already scared of you as it is ,have some sympathy

sympathy? he wont get that from me more less love and affection, a slave would be more deserving. The next time I see his hands on the sword of my father and his fathers before, be sure I'd have his head on a stake .now leave.

foot steps receding

Ayres father attica was the son of author the old a wise and noble man who cherishes his homeland and always strife to keep the people of Meidvere safe.The leadership of the village has been passed down from generations and generations in thier family and attica as the first son is next in line to be named "All father" Author loved his children especially his son attica but hated his grandson as he is not of pure blood ,he sees him as a stain to thier name ,a growing stain.

Areys ,is that you?

attica said and then preceded to the corner at which he heard a twitching sound and found his son sitting in the dark,he Carrie's him and place him on a stool and went on to ask what was wrong

father ,why does grand father hates me ?

"hate you ,where did you hear that from ,your grand father doesn't hate you "

but he always yells at me for every little thing

....little thing?

but you know you're grandfather loves that sword ,why play with

Because I want to fight, he doesn't let me train with the other men ,instead he locks me up or I get stuck washing the horses.

"those who train are men ,are you a man?

I want to be ,what makes a man father....

A man is made by his house ,his name by his wars and scars but most importantly by his mercy and his strength.

Do you have scars little man,I don't see any .

Yes I don't because you wont let me ....would be one not now but soon ,you would be called "aerys the strong " and your name

would echo all over the 7 regions,a warrior of blood and fire.

Meidvere is village known for its fertile soil and its trade ,it is amongst the many town along the far edges of the south. Because of the villages success in food and trade it supports all other villages and thier people with thier harvest and the village head of Meidvere wasn't just seen as a father to his people, but a father to all.Hes words were theirs and theirs his.

To man ,only their homes were known but they're vast lands outside the reach.To the south there was Meidvere, the wastelands ,the stonemountains, the city of taves .In the North thier are battling clans ,besieged islands, the icedstones and the pride lands.To the known west lies vlahear ,the stormed iles ,Narth, Tarth and Odin's bay .All this lands and their people are of seprate powers ,a divided hate and lingering blood lust and because of this the eastern kingdom of cree manipulates and hold power over them all.They control the red sea which surrounds the far ends of Meidvere and links the the south to the north and further down the west .They occupy the road of strangers which gives routes to different parts and routes of the 7 regions.

The cree kingdom is as old as the days of the free men,with an army of thousands and great warlords from different houses ,the strongest house is house vreion and cree is ruled by John vreion ,son of charles vreion. In the days of his father it was said that cree's resources are limited they're lands aren't fertile, thier seas empty ,thier Coles burnt up and thier ores and mines exhausted. And house vreion faced rebellion because of the ongoing struggles and then Brandon vreion thought of expansion and began his reach far east ,to the north south and west and this spanned decades and now his grandson sits on the throne more ruthless than his kins a tyrant and power hungry ruler.

All father, the storages have been cleared out and were ready for the shipment

good,I don't want any delays when the vreion ships arrives

The village of Meidvere bustled with activity as the sun set, casting long shadows across the winding streets. In the main square, Author stood tall and proud, addressing his people. Most villagers were engaged in trade or worked in the fields,preparing for the arrival of the vreion envoy.

Author's gaze scanned the villagers, his eyes landing on Aerys, his grandson. Despite the disdain Author felt for Aerys, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry as he watched his young grandson struggle to suppress his emotions, looking lost and isolated amongst the crowd.

As author continued his speech, he spoke of the significance of their village and its role in maintaining balance and prosperity in the region. He emphasized the need for unity and strength in the face of the times they’ve found themselves.

The verion envoy finally reaches the shores of Meidvere and and thier led by the kings brother Trevor verion.

All father we’ve began the loading of the harvest into thier ships ,good summon attica.

Father you called for me,

Yes I did ,I know you hate the fact that we are treated like slaves by the eastern cree kingdom and house vreion but we have no choice ,I value peice and the safety of our people more than our pride ,so do well to sure trevor some respect in the least while his in our keep.

I have no issue with that “attica said”,but we are given away ten times what we usually give before, nearly our whole harvest we cant survive like this we would starve ,you want peace and safety,if you have that what about the hunger of the people

Author shook his head, his eyes flashing with determination. "Attica, listen to me. We must endure this for the greater good. We have to maintain our relations with the Vreions, even if it means sacrificing some of our harvest. If we don't, they will take everything from us, and then what?"

Attica clenched his fist, his face contorted with anger and frustration. "Fine, I'll do what I can, but remember, I will not allow this to continue forever."

As Attica left to face Trevor Verion, Author remained in the square, his gaze returning to Aerys. The young boy's eyes were filled with a mixture of sadness and anger, reflecting the struggle within him. Author knew that his grandson would one day grow into a man, and that day would come sooner rather than later but still can’t truly accept him.

Trevor Vreion and his entourage entered the village, their presence heavy and threatening. They were dressed in the finest silks and furs, their jewels glinting in the morning sun. Trevor was a tall man, with sharp features and piercing blue eyes that seemed to judge everyone he met.

Attica stood before the envoy, his heart pounding in his chest. He had never been one to back down from a challenge, but the threat of losing the village's harvest weighed heavily on his mind.

"I welcome you to our humble village, Lord Trevor

And i’m honored by your hospitality, Meidvere is as beautiful as they say.My brother the king send his warm greetings and appreciates your valued cooperation, your passage through the red sea to enable you sell you harvest is ensured ,I shall retire to my chambers i’d see you at dawn.

As Trevor Vreion retreated to his chambers, Attica stood alone in the square, feeling the weight of his decision to compromise the village's harvest. He knew that he had to be strong for the people, but it was a struggle to keep his emotions in check.

That night, as the people of Meidvere settled down for the night, Aerys couldn't sleep. The town's fate weighed heavily on his shoulders. In the moonlight, he saw his reflection in the window, a young man with a fiery determination in his eyes. He knew that he would have to grow up fast and become the leader his village needed, even if it meant standing up to his own grandfather.

The next morning, Trevor Vreion returned to the square, accompanied by Attica and the village elders. The Vreion envoy was present as well, their eyes cold and calculating.

They all sat and aet with the all father ,talking about how Meidvere represents the south and thier continued cooperation is vital for everyone's growth

Like we have a choice ,you all are leaches cant feed your own people so you steal from others “aerys muttered"

What was that little man “trevor asked”

Author looking to aerys to maintain his composure but his grandfather's stares didn't scare him

“He replied “ I am not a little man ,I could have your head with a sword if want to.

Oh really, seems we have a fighter tell me little man have you ever fought before, what makes you think you can take me

It doesn't Matter if i’ve fought before, as long as I know what I want i’d take it .

And what is it you want “trevor asked”

I’ve told you already, your head my lord .

You insolent brat,I will gut your insides for your disrespect ,”apologize now! Author compelled aerys

I will not ,I will not apologize nor will I bow to rapers killers and tyrants

Author was enraged, and he ordered aerys be taken and chained up in the cells

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the winding streets of Meidvere, a hush fell over the village. The people of Meidvere knew that today was a turning point in their history. They had lived under the rule of House Vreion for generations, and now they were faced with a choice: to accept the tyranny or to fight.

In the village's main square, Trevor Vreion stood tall and imposing, his fury palpable. He had expected obedience and respect from the Meidvere villagers, but the defiance of Aerys had sparked something within him. He knew that he had to make an example of the young man in order to maintain his control.

Attica watched as Trevor Vreion approached Aerys, his eyes filled with a mix of guilt and determination. He knew that Aerys would pay a heavy price for his lack of tone.

Trevor demanded aerys head,saying it was an insult to house vreion as well as the king and the cree empire ,he had his men pull aerys out to the street and then he unsheathed his sword swinging it high in the air with aerys bent forcefully to his knees ,attica saw the drama unfolding and his son showing more spine than he is and he knew he can't let this go on whilst author stood there watching lord verion uttering no words.

As his hands moved up to the air and was about striking aerys, attica moved in with his sword hanging it at trevor’s neck, with the words “if he dies you die”

The tension was high, and the silence was deafening, lord trevor told his men to hault and he withdrew his sword and sheathed it and turned to his men and the all father saying “we leave at dawn”

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