252. Killer Thoughts.

Mia stretched as she stirred from her nap. She slowly sat up, yawning slightly.

"Did you enjoy your nap?"

She smiled as she noticed detective Jones. "Yes, I did." She replied energetically, nodding her head.

"Good to know." He barely knew her but detective Jones found that he was already getting attached to her. Everything about her was utterly cute, her tiny voice, the way she smiled, the way she walked and even the way she snored lightly in her sleep.

She folded her legs on the couch and hugged them to close her chest. "Now I'm hungry." She pouted as she rested her head on her knees.

He laughed at her comment as he moved to sit next to her. "Well what do you want to eat?"

"I don't know, can we order pizza?"


When the pizza finally arrived, she accepted it eagerly and rushed to the living room to show it to him. "Pizza's here."

"Great." She set the pizza on the center table as he went to get drinks from the kitchen.

"How's master Lucas doing?" She asked with her mouth half ful
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