The Callous CEO

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The Callous CEO

By: Ben CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 234 views: 4.2K

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"Ethan, oh Ethan, don't think too highly of your self, you are nothing but a blood donor. You are just a useless piece of trash, do you think you deserve to be my husband? Ha dream on!" Daphne scoffed and spat in disgust. After many years of serving your wife and inlaw like a slave, you found out you were nothing but just a blood donor. You were just a piece of shit in the eyes of your in-laws and wife. What would you do if you suddenly become rich. Will you accept your wife back? Will you still donate blood for your mother in law who was the verge of death. Join me as we go through the journey with Ethan Willow the once useless son in law.

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  • Sandy


    So far I just started reading the story, oh gosh it really interested especially Ethan and Shine. I will recommend the book to you all

    2023-04-30 19:06:27
  • Walter


    Just started reading this. So far it's good. I just hope MC won't end up with Daphne again.

    2023-06-15 09:54:29
Latest Chapter
234 chapters
Chapter 1 You are Useless
Ethan walked with an anxious face, fully aware that he was running late. Hastily, he fumbled for his keys, attempting to open the door. In his rush, he grabbed his car keys and tried to unlock the car, but it remained stubbornly shut. Frustration surged through him, and he couldn't help but curse aloud. "Damn it!" he exclaimed, venting his anger by striking the car's tires. He continued to curse, letting his irritation consume him. Suddenly, his phone began to ring, and he instantly recognized the caller without even glancing at the screen. The ringtone was exclusively set for her, his one and only love for whom he would give up everything. "Ethan!" Daphne's voice screamed angrily through the phone, causing him to pull it away from his ear. If she continued to yell like that, he might lose his hearing. "You better be here within the next five minutes, or else..." Daphne threatened, her voice trailing off as she reached the words "or else." She knew exactly how to manipulate him,
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Chapter 2 You are nothing but just a blood donor
The following morning, Ethan arrived at the house feeling joyful. He had helped a woman who, in return, gave him five hundred dollars. Excitedly, he headed straight to the jewelry shop and purchased a beautiful necklace for his beloved wife. "Sweetheart, guess what? I bought you a stunning necklace! Come and have a look," he exclaimed, his excitement resembling that of a child given his favorite lollipop. "What... is... this?" he stammered, startled by what he saw. The necklace slipped from his hands as shock consumed him. How could she betray him after everything he had done for her? Ethan looked at her, waiting for an explanation, bewildered to find her sitting on another man's lap. This was something he believed should only belong to him. Their constant arguments made him feel like he was merely filling a void in the family, and now he felt a deep sense of disappointment. He had expected to see shock on her face, but instead, she wore a smirk. It seemed he was nothing more than
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Chapter 3 I made sure no one would employ you.
She knew he had nowhere to go and would tolerate anything, but there was something about her smile that unsettled him. It was as if she had never lost her husband, a chill indifference in her eyes. He took a deep breath, summoning his determination. "I can't do this anymore. I want out," he declared firmly. Her laughter pierced the air, a mocking symphony. She pointed a finger at him, her voice dripping with scorn. "Hahaha! He wants a divorce! How utterly amusing!" Ethan struggled to keep his emotions in check, his face reddening with anger. "You think this is a joke? I mean it, Daphne. I want a divorce, and I want it now," he growled, his voice filled with an intensity that surprised even himself. She looked at him with contempt, as if he were a pitiful creature. "You don't mean that, Ethan. You could never leave. Without my family and our wealth, you're nothing but a worthless piece of trash." His fists clenched at her dismissive words. "You'll regret underestimating me, Daphne.
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Chapter 4 Mr. Ethan
Ethan didn't pay much attention to the car beside him and continued to sit there, lost in his own thoughts. He didn't care about who it was, as he already had enough on his mind and didn't want to think about trivial things. Suddenly, the car's driver stepped out and opened the door for a stunningly beautiful lady who emerged from it. Ethan was slightly mesmerized by her beauty and quickly looked away, not wanting to stare. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that she was approaching him directly, and she stopped right in front of him. Confused, Ethan looked up, thinking she needed directions or had mistaken him for someone else. Perhaps the person she was looking for was behind him. But her gaze was fixed on him, and it left him surprised. "Good day, Mr. Ethan. Please get in the car, and let's go," she said with respect in her voice. Ethan felt his ears deceive him and looked at her with widened eyes, unable to comprehend what was happening. "Mr. Ethan?" she called out again.
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Chapter 5Why is she here
"Mr. Ethan," Kate called out, bringing him back to the present. He looked at her with wide eyes, still lost in his thoughts. "What did you say?" he asked, his mind racing to catch up. She noticed his distraction and realized that everything was happening too quickly for him. It was important to prepare him mentally. "I asked if you're okay," she repeated, her voice filled with concern. He cleared his throat, feeling the dryness in his mouth. Kate wasted no time and handed him a glass of water. He thanked her and took a sip, quickly draining the entire glass. It became evident to her that he hadn't even eaten that day. Concerned about his pale face, she prepared some sandwiches. Ethan looked at her for a moment, unsure, but realizing she wouldn't back down, he accepted them. He devoured the sandwiches, satisfying his hungry stomach. "I'm sorry about the way I addressed you earlier. I just wanted to get her off my back," he apologized, taking a drink of water. "It's okay, sir. Wha
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Chapter 6 What is going on
After some deliberation, Ethan was informed that they needed to take him somewhere else. Still reeling from the shocking revelations of the day, he couldn't believe that he had suddenly become the heir to such a successful empire. It was a position that would surprise anyone in his shoes. Part of him expected this all to be over soon, as if it were some kind of temporary illusion. As the car pulled away from the mansion, he anticipated returning to see everything he had been shown earlier. Through the car window, he observed the cityscape changing. They were driving into the part of the city where the wealthiest people resided. He had never had the chance to be in this area when he was surrounded by those greedy individuals from his past. But now, here he was. "We have arrived, young master," Kate announced, breaking Ethan's thoughts. He looked back at her, realizing they had reached their destination. But wait, wasn't this the most renowned plaza in the entire country? It was said
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Chapter 7 Do you know who he is?
Frank couldn't process what was happening. He thought his eyes might be deceiving him, trying to comprehend why the board of directors was showing such respect to Kate. Was he seeing things correctly? Perhaps it was time to wake up from this terrible dream, he thought. But as he opened his eyes, he realized it was all too real. The board of directors was indeed there, paying great respect to Kate. "Oh no," he muttered, sweat dripping down his forehead uncontrollably. He was certain they were just friends, but the way they addressed her indicated something more. Without even looking at Frank, Kate extended her hand towards him and turned to the board of directors, seeking an explanation. "Who is this?" she asked, her voice devoid of the earlier warmth. The directors exchanged confused glances, trying to recall where they had encountered Frank before. "He doesn't look familiar," one of them replied. Frank knew he was in deep trouble this time. He was lucky to have witnessed this enc
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Chapter 8 I will start from scratch
“Miss Kate I think it's time to have our meeting then,"one of the board of directors said with a smile as he led the way.“Sure, just give me a minute," she said and walked over to where Ethan stood.They directors looked at each other and decided to leave them.“Young master are you okay," she asked as she saw that he was not having a happy face.“I’m good, it’s just that I’m still a little bit overwhelmed,"she said.Kate walked to him and smiled at him. She could understand how he was feeling.In less than a day his life has suddenly taken a drastic change making him shocked.She was still be surprised if he was to be calm about everything that happened.“You don’t need to worry about that anymore. Let’s just go and meet them first." she assured and waited for him to lead the way.Ethan sighed and decided to just get on with it.As they entered the forum room on the top floor, Kate spoke up.“Well gentleman, I schedule a meeting with all of you today to talk about something very
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Chapter 9 I didn't know
We are sorry for not informing you, he is the new employee here, please treat him with respect.Cilia was in rage as Flora who heard her shouting came to explain to her . This was the biggest humiliation she has ever received since she joined the company.And the only person responsible for this was her underling and forgot that he was the one responsible for all these befallen her.“ How come you never told me about this? You just want me to look bad in this situation right ?” Cila cursed at her underling, Flora.Flora who was being yelled at took the phone away from her ears and the screaming from her boss was almost making her deaf.“If you had told me that he would be here I wouldn’t have made a fool of myself," Cilia continued to say in an angry tone.“But this is not your fault, I did tell you about it but you just didn’t check it, Flora said with the wrong tone.She couldn’t believe that she was being scolded by her again and this even had nothing to do with her.“What do you
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Chapter 10 Am sorry
“You… Who are you ?” Flora’s question make him looked at her with a raised eyebrow.His intimidating look was gone, it looked more like an illusion.“Are you okay? “Ethan asked as he held her hands feeling that it has become a bit cold.Flora only came back to her senses after she felt his hands on her. She quickly adjusted her mood and smiled again.But within she was arguing with herself on whether what she just saw a few minutes ago was an illusion or not.“I’m so sorry, I just got frightened," she said and was about to knock on the door again but stopped herself.Ethan saw how she was hesitating and decided to speak up.“You don’t have to worry about anything else. I can take it from here," he said with a calm smile.“But I’m supposed to…” she wanted to argue but was stopped by Ethan shaking his head.“I’m fine on my own. By the way, thank you for today," I will treat you to lunch one day “ he said with a friendly smile.Flora looked at him and blushed. Who wouldn’t be frightene
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