Return Of The Lost Dragon

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Return Of The Lost Dragon

By: Lonely Wolf OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 133 views: 43.1K

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Leonard was once the most feared killer in a mysterious group called “Dark dragon”. Three years ago,he was badly injured when he was executing a special mission and lost his memory. He was saved by a man, and to pay him back, he married the man’s daughter. Three months after their wedding, the man died. In the past three years, he did his best to make money and support the family, but his wife and mother-in-law still weren't satisfied, and he was just a waste in their eyes. Finally, one day, a mysterious woman found him and he got his memory back. Now, he is back to cause a scandal in the land of evil and show those who thought he was useless that he was extraordinary, an extraordinary being whom no one could beat!

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  • Lonely Wolf


    Hi readers, you can follow and contact me on Instagram at @lonely.wolf1001.

    2024-04-07 09:41:56


    Interesting book. Keep it up

    2023-11-08 16:12:50
  • ailene de chavez


    I like the story but please update

    2023-10-09 20:17:00
  • Chukwuemeka_101


    Wow! this book is just amazing! I like the main character. he'll definitely form into a great mc

    2023-10-03 02:47:01
  • Kay Ollar Olufunmi


    good novel

    2023-10-19 13:39:43
Latest Chapter
133 chapters
His Come Back:
"Hey, Leonard!" A harsh voice called out. " How much time would it take you to clean a table? You're going to disturb the customers." Leonard wiped away the sweat trickling down his face with a napkin. He spun around. "But–" he tried to explain that he was working as fast as he could. "No excuses! Speed up or you will have your salary deducted," his superior said coldly. Leonard nodded slowly. "Don't talk to him like that," a feminine voice spoke behind Leonard. They both turned to look at her. Her arms were folded beneath her breast. "I am sure you don't know who he is," she added, making Leonard groan silently. "I advise you to apologize to him immediately," she said to his superior, leaving him shocked. " Me? Apologize to him? Ma'am, I am only doing my job. " The woman stared at him coldly. " Apologize to him or–" "Can you just stop?!" Leonard glared at her. "I am at fault here and he doesn't need to apologize to me. " He tilted his neck to gaze at his superior. " I a
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A Turn For Good:
The taxi stopped in front of City Bank. Leonard paid the driver his fare and alighted from the taxi. He sighed deeply and looked around. He felt a little awkward considering how oddly he was dressed— a plain, fading white shirt and a pair of gray pants. Shrugging off the feelings, he walked into the gates. Taking the card out of his pocket, he stared at it wondering what would happen if all the strange lady told him it was true. "Hey, watch where you're going!" Cried a woman he almost bumped into. " I'm sorry," he was saying, raising up his head from his card. Leonard's eyes widened with shock in their sockets. "Tri… Trisha. Trisha, what are you doing here?" The lady also couldn't hide her surprise as she opened her mouth to say something. "What do you mean by that, young man? It's a bank so she has every right to be here and not some peasant like you," A man said beside her, irritated. It was then Leonard caught sight of him holding his wife's hand like they were some sort o
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In Charge:
Leonard looked around him, listening to the gasps, surprised faces and the new found respect on the eyes of the manager leading him on. He saw the shock on Trisha's face. He smiled slightly and shook his head. But, his mind whirled around one thought; What if this was just a dream? What if it wasn't real? Then, he might just wake up from it and laugh at the stupidity of it all. "Is this the man?" A cheerful female voice chimed happily, jolting him out of his thoughts. Leonard stared at the beautiful woman before him.She had a shapely figure, it was imp-thin, she was wasp waisted, clad up in a black suit. And her slender eyebrows shot up with delight. "Yes ma'am, this is the client," the manager replied, looking at Leonard with a smile. A wide smile crept up to her face. "I am delighted to meet you," she said, stretching forth her hand for a handshake. Leonard accepted her handshake, feeling her soft palm within his. "Come with me, let's see what we can do for you. This way,"
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A Friend In Need:
" You're also fired, John!" Came a loud, authoritative voice behind them. They all spun around to stare at a mean looking face, whose eyes filled with fury and anger stared straight at John, who gulped down nothing, looking astonished. "Me…Fired? Why sir?" John stuttered, sweat breaking out on his forehead. "Your services are no longer needed here so I would advise you to leave to avoid getting kicked out forcefully." A smirk crept up on Leonard's lips. 'Now look who's going to stay on the streets,' he thought, his smirk widening. "Please sir, you can't do that to me!" He cried out loudly. "John, please leave," the manager said, gesturing towards the door. "Leave or I will send for the security." At the mention of security, John's eyes widened. He clasped his palms together and went on his knees. "Please sir!" "Security!" The manager yelled, ignoring his pleads. Two men walked into the restaurant and looked sternly at the manager with respect. "Throw this fool outside," h
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Prized Possession:
"Can I give you the funds so that your son can begin treatment?" Leonard asked, raising his brows. Keith glanced at him surprised, " Leonard, you know what I like about you?" Leonard shook his head. Keith sighed and held his shoulder. " Your sense of humor and your helpful spirit. I appreciate your help my friend, I really do but we both know that you don't have such money and I wouldn't want to burden you with my own problems, you got yours to settle." Leonard smiled slightly at him. He felt the urge to tell Keith about everything, but it wasn't the right time to do so. His past...was too dark. The more he knew,the worse it was for him. "I think I have to leave now, can't afford to leave my kid alone in the house. Take care of yourself, buddy," Keith said, tapping him on his shoulders before walking away, buried in his thoughts. "I promise you Keith, as soon as I have everything sorted out, I will help you and your son." Leonard said to himself, with a sad smile on his face. H
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The New Boss?
Now that Cordelia was so proud of her job,then he'd be very like to show her who's the boss.Amanda smiled behind the phone. " Sure, Mr Leonard. That would just cost a very little part of your money." Leonard smiled brightly. "Good. Purchase it for me right now." " Yes,Mr Leonard. I will get the paperwork ready." Leonard dropped his phone into his pocket, he stared at the house once more with a smirk on his face and walked away. "I told you, you would regret it!" The game started now... The next morning. The ringing of a phone woke Leonard up with a start. Staring at the screen, it was Amanda. "Hello?" Came her soft voice over the phone. "Hi, Amanda, good morning." "Good morning Mr Leonard, the purchase of Miles Corporation PLC has been finalized, you are now the new boss." Leonard smiled darkly. " Good. I will be there soon." After leaving his hotel room, Leonard took a taxi and went directly to Miles Corporation. As the most high-end commercial office buil
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Getting Back His Memories
Leonard gazed at them,exuding an icy aura."Our boss? That's hilarious!" Cordelia rolled her eyes scornfully. But somehow,she felt a familiar sense of fear. "Darling,be careful. He can be crazy!" She held Ronald's arm and stepped backwards. "Don't worry,babe. He's just a stinky cockroach.I can trample it to death without any effort." Ronald glanced at Leonard, raising his chin confidently. "Security! What are you doing there?Are you blind?! Kick him out!" "Yes,Mr Ronald!" The security guards surrounded Leonard immediately. Taking Cordelia's hand in his, Ronald left with her arrogantly. "Catch him!" The security guards shouted and moved closer to Leonard. "Stay away from me or you'll regret it later" Leonard warned, a dark expression on his face. "Stop barking,loser!" "You want us to take off your pants and throw you onto the street?" "What's going on here?" A stern voice sounded behind.A middle-aged man walked towards them "Good day, Mr President" the security guards all
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Acting As Amanda's Boyfriend
Leonard began to remember fragments of his past. He was one of the third descendants of the great Marshall family. They are very wealthy family. He had joined the dark dragon at the age of 18. He was chosen by an old man, who led him to the dark dragon. Guided by a mysterious old man, he performed excellently well. He became the king of the dark dragon within only two years. People trembled whenever his name was called and prayed for death in his presence and he was very wealthy and powerful He was called 'The King' of the Dark Dragon. The dark dragon is an underground group that punishes the bad and protects the good. They were responsible for making those who used corrupt means for making money go bankrupt. They simply protect the interest of the poor masses but in secret. Several years ago, he and his team went on a mission where they were ambushed by some mysterious men causing life threatening injuries to Leonard and his team, his closest friend lost his life and one other
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Petty Leonard
Entering into the hotel which was filled with rich and influential people, Leonard couldn't help but feel out of place. Though, in the past he usually attended more elaborate parties but in the last three years, he had gotten used to just small parties held by Trisha's family, which of course he wasn't even allowed to attend. "Leonard, let's go over there and sit. It's almost time for the party to begin," Amanda said cheerfully, oblivious of Leonard's nervousness. He nodded, following her lead. Different kinds of delicacies were laid out on the table. Leonard filled his plate and ate the food casually without proper etiquette. Meanwhile, Trisha and Martin walked in, exchanging pleasantries with the other guests. "Look over there, Trisha," Martin pointed at Leonard, who was eating his food causally. "So petty," Trisha sneered. "I knew he was just here for free food, he must have been starving. I really pity Miss Amanda, that nitwit is using her for his own benefit." At that mom
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A Friend Indeed:
Jordan stared at old man in shock. He couldn't believe he was being chased out despite the fact that he was trying to help. "But I didn't do anything wrong. Amanda is being decieved by this man who claims to her boyfriend! " "I said you should leave! I don't want to hear your excuse of tainting the reputation of my guests! " He took one last look at Leonard before walking away with embrassment. He had already sworn in his heart to deal with Leonard but for now he had to leave. Mr George wasn't someone you could easily disrespect. After he had left, the guests began to mumur. 'Do you know him?' 'No one does, he doesn't even have a reputation. He's an ordinary person.' 'How can Amanda choose someone as simple as him?" 'She made the wrong choice. Amongst all the rich, young men who come after her, she decided to chose him.' 'Whst a shame.' "What are you all talking about?!" Mr George fired back. " It's none of your concern if Amanda chooses a fellow. It's her private life!" T
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