Chapter 68

[Reid Mansion]

James Reid, Darius’ grandfather and former head of the Reid consortium was going through some documents in his study. The documents were a report of how well Darius had been performing as the new head of the Reid consortium.

Ever since he handed the leadership of the Reid consortium down to Darius, his life had been very basic. Apart from the occasional reports of how the companies were faring, he completely detached himself from company matters.

He would have not demanded the reports of how the companies were faring, but he needed to know, as Darius was merely a student and still new to the business world. Therefore he was glad when he read the reports and saw that Darius was doing incredibly well. There were even increases in the stock of the companies.

James sighed. He was indeed glad, as it proved that his grandson was just as shrewd as the rest of the Reid family when it came to business. He sighed again. He was now getting older as he was 72 years old now. He
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