Chap. 76 Mrs. Mendes Madness
"Miss, I can't take it anymore. Quickly let go of his hand," said Jonathan's confidant.

But Magdalena insisted on holding David's hand so the man would not fall freely.

"At this stage, the three of us could be in danger." Suddenly, Jonathan's trusted man's feet lifted, and half of his body fell.

Magdalena prayed that a miracle would help the three of them. However, she couldn't be selfish by letting go of David's hand because the man had tried to save her life. 'Nathan, I'm sorry. I was so careless as to put myself and others in danger, too,' thought Magdalena. 'Nathan, I will always love you. Maybe after this, we won't be able to meet forever.' When Magdalena had given up, suddenly, her body, which was slowly sliding down, was held back by Something. Magdalena's eyes had been closed. Slowly opened it and saw the bright sunlight blocked by Something. The obstacle is Jonathan, her fiancé and the man she loves. The man's face was red from the weight of the three people he managed to h
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