The Café

The preacher define hell and heaven everywhere .Finara see how enthusiastic they are to define how goodness and badness will end there in hereafter...well yes ,it's agreeable...if there is no rewards and punishment how can ones do things without those guidelines...but how to live in this crazy world when things so hard ? 

How to make it easy n smooth to live and prepare for heaven ...that's the question.

She asks that to Vid on their way home from shopping.

Vid is her schoolmate secondary school who still on contact as she lives around the town .Fin don't know how to call herVid 

 whether best or just good friend.Sometimes they quarrel on a disagreement of triviality or having be

discussion on matters with differ points of views.

Anyway they meet at any time they have .Well here they are reaching their fave cafe .

Vid looks for the nicest corner where a waiter look at them and give a polite gesture while cleaning the table .

"There ? " 

Fin looks at the site then nods .

She smiles at the waiter before putting her bag on the coffee table. 

Vid do the same then sigh deeply before picking a cigarette from her big handbag.

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