Chapter Seventy Eight: Debriefing

It was very obvious that this person was the source of the sudden heat that had filled the room. A slight sweat broke out across Chuck's forehead, one that was not caused by the heat but rather by a subconscious apprehensiveness of the level of power that was just pouring off this individual. He knew who she was of course, though he had never seen her face before but he could not honestly say he wanted to. There were several rumours among the lower ranks of The Order about the mysterious Variant who always wore a veil and barely ever left the castle. Some people said it was because of her insane beauty that she hid herself from public view, a few others theorised that it might have something to do with her Variant ability. The latter was also rumored to be among the most powerful in the entire Order and at the moment Chuck was very much inclined to believe that.

After all... This woman was a member of the Upper Four Heralds.

"That is enough."

Her voice was clear and crisp, and
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