Chapter 182

People were running over there, looking very cute at what had happened. An unexpected attack made them confused because of all the energy they needed, which they had prepared well so that nothing bad would happen. But how could the energy they guarded become completely useless?

"All the machines we're using aren't working at all!" A man wearing a military cap spoke. He was giving information to everyone there while looking around him. The people there knew his words were true because they were also experiencing the same thing.

"All of our communication systems are down, and the people in the system have no idea what's going on!"

As they reported back, shouting could be heard repeatedly, and heavy footsteps could be heard. None of them could remain calm because of what had just happened to them all. As a large country with more advanced communication tools, they believed it was because they were destined to lead.

Suddenly the lights blinked repeatedly, everyone there looked around in c
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