Chapter 53

As the video unfolded, Mark's face contorted in disbelief. The video depicted Ainslie in a compromising situation, seducing Mr. Jockey and removing his clothes. Ainslie's voice echoed in the room, making Mark's shock intensify.

"I will satisfy you so much that you'd give the deal to me when I'm done with you, Mr. Jockey. I'll handle you in a way no woman has ever done," Ainslie's voice proclaimed, her laughter audible as the video ended with her disrobing.

"You see, I'm not lying," Mr. Jockey asserted, taking the phone back and staring at Ainslie, who was now unable to lift her gaze in shame.

Ainslie, caught off guard, closed her eyes, grappling with the revelation. The room fell into a stunned silence as Mark and Dulgad tried to process the shocking turn of events, torn between disbelief and the unsettling truth before them.

"So, Um, Ainslie, I'm sorry your company didn't get the deal. If you had thought of using your brain instead of your…" Mr. Jockey sneered, staring at her from
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