Rags To Riches: The Riveting Tale Of Jason Smith

15 ratings

Rags To Riches: The Riveting Tale Of Jason Smith

By: Chukwuemeka_101 CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 328 views: 118.6K

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Synopsis: Jason was always humiliated and harassed. His lack of financial resources even led to his mother's narrow escape with death, but his life changed when the truth about his heritage was revealed. Read the Riveting Tale of the despicable Jason Smith.

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  • Chukwuemeka_101


    Apologies... chapter 260 was updated twice. Please skip the second one when unlocking chapters. thank you.

    2023-10-31 23:58:43
  • MoonlightOfure


    Can't help but drop another review! this book is awesome. The protagonist is easy to follow with and I love as the author take his time in both the narration and dialogue aspect. anyways, this book is highly recommended to urban lovers. more wins author!!!!

    2023-08-22 09:09:59
  • Alexander Sumagka


    very good novel

    2023-08-10 17:41:26
  • Chukwuemeka_101


    Pls bear with me. chapter 114 was mistakenly updated twice. I'm still waiting for the editor to take it down. thank you!...

    2023-07-31 23:41:30
  • Elie Nkoy


    J'adore je suis fane de ce livre ce vraiment magnifique ...

    2023-07-27 03:16:41
  • Fidelia Omatola


    Highly recommended!

    2023-07-14 20:25:40
  • Beverlyna


    Am excited to know what comes next... how the poor jason will exact his revenge on all those who have made life so hard for him... kudos to the writer

    2023-07-03 00:23:18
  • _ROE


    Can't believe it was locked so soon...

    2023-06-14 19:46:17
  • MoonlightOfure


    highly recommended .........

    2023-05-26 23:19:57
  • Dragon Sly


    a must read novel. Amazing

    2023-05-26 16:23:59
  • Moonlight Imagines


    Seriously intrigued by this book. it's worth every penny and an interesting read. not your regular rags to riches book.

    2023-12-28 02:56:37
  • Amir


    great! Nice novel to read

    2023-11-30 06:49:42
  • Hillary Mazibuko


    reading life changing stories

    2023-11-01 20:39:39
  • Chalu Ngambi


    need more chapters

    2023-10-03 18:25:39
  • Jose Belem


    More chapters, please!

    2023-08-01 10:56:23
Latest Chapter
328 chapters
Chapter 0001
"Hey, over here!" A worker yelled, "I'm on my way!" Jason yelled back as he scooted over to the worker to serve him his lunch, "What took you so long?" The worker asked harshly as he snatched his lunch from Jason's hands "I'm sorry sir," Jason replied with his head bent."Keep your apologies to y
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Chapter 0002
Jason grumbled as he approached the huge abandoned warehouse, "What sort of punishment is this? Why will she tell me to come and steal something from the gangsters here? I'm sure she knows they'll beat me up if they find out. but since I need the money from her I have to swallow my pride and do it..
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Chapter 0003
Jason's eyelashes fluttered open and he found himself staring at the beautiful golden chandelier that he knew so well. Without looking around, he instantly knew that he was in the Hara living room."The dumbster is awake." He heard John, his brother-in-law, inquire and he quickly tried to sit up.Hi
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Chapter 0004
RUBY CITY HOSPITAL, It seemed Jason was late because when he arrived at the hospital, he saw that his sick bedridden mother was now in the corridor. Her room had been evacuated for paying patients. Jason had to restrain himself from crying out in pain, he quickly accosted the nurse in charge of his
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Chapter 0005
"I said that I have a pendant with the Pendragon family sigil on it," Jason repeated, "Put him down." The manager ordered and the security man complied. "Now, are you sure about this? Because if it turns out that you're lying about this whole thing, or the pendant turns out to be a fake, trust me t
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Chapter 0006
The old man turned and mumbled something to the manager. The manager nodded in reply and led a confused Jason out of the office."What was that?" Jason asked, he had expected the old man to dole out cash immediately but the man's response wasn't encouraging."Well... Your grandfather doesn't like yo
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Chapter 0007
Jason and the accountant turned to see the dean of the hospital walking towards them with a frown on his face."Why are you holding up the line?" "Thank goodness you're here sir." The accountant said in relief as she saw him, "That's not an answer to my question." The dean said harshly, "Why are y
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Chapter 0008
Walking towards them from down the hall was the manager in his polished black suit that gave off a very wealthy impression of him at first glance. The dean recognized him immediately– in fact, everyone there recognized him immediately. No one in Ruby City did not know who that man was. The manager
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Chapter 0009
"Your mother?!" The dean interjected. He didn't dilly-dally at all, he quickly rushed after the doctor to go and attend to the patient. This was another chance for him to get on Jason's good side, he only hoped that the young man would have it in his heart to forgive him after everything he put him
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Chapter 0010
Jason picked up the papers and looked at them. These were the divorce papers alright.He sighed and looked up at Amara and Tony."Divorce papers? So you're no longer interested in making me work for your family again?" Jason asked,"Oh no, you'll still be working for my family but I'll no longer be
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