Chapter 055 - Authority
Now armed with the evidence he needs, Rohan strides confidently toward Alston Crowder’s office. He pushes open the door and takes a quick glance around. Same as the ex-Governor’s office in Sara’s estate, this place is adorned with luxurious paintings. There is no lack of expensive pieces of furniture and shelves filled with books either—all tastefully placed around the room.

But all of these pales in comparison to the imposing figure of Alston sitting at his desk, looking like an emperor surveying his kingdom.

Rohan clears his throat. “Mr. Alston Crowder, I’m here to discuss a matter regarding your family’s business dealings.”

“The guard told me what you came here for, Mr. Hansel Rugge. Does Rosalyn know?”

“It doesn’t matter. The facts are simple. Your family has been using the prison as a hotel. You also have illegal offshore accounts which are hidden away from the authorities.”

Alston chuckles. He slowly stands and walks around the desk. There is no fear in the way he carries hi
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