Chapter 10

He met his wife Vivian arranging her things to leave.

“ Wow,” Felix said out of amazement.

“ Where are you going?” He asked her.

“ I am going back to my parent's place,” She said as she kept on arranging her things.

“ Are you not ashamed of yourself? You are just a woman just after wealth and luxury.”

“ You used to have a boutique store, didn't you?”

“Why don’t you take your business seriously?”

“ all you do is shop, shop and shop with our card. Now all the money is finished and you want to go back to your parents.”

“ Why don’t you live up to your responsibility for one and face reality?

“ I am about to lose my job”

“ Things aren’t working out well as before and now you want to leave, I am not surprised you did that to your first husband”

“ I have been trying to book a meeting to see Alex just to ask for forgiveness but to no avail, the only time I got an opportunity to see him I was walked out of his office after so much plead”

“ You are one of the major causes why things are
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