The humble village bustled with activity as residents went about their daily routines. Amongst the throng strode Ethan, absorbing life's simple pleasures as he perused the stalls laden with fresh produce.

A friendly smiled greeted familiar faces, coins exchanged hands as vendors' wares found new homes. Contentment swelled within Ethan's breast, a stark contrast to memories of poisonous manipulation and empty excess. Here, genuine connection and community spirit flourished.

As he selected vibrant apples, humming a cheerful tune, a hulking silhouette materialized at the edge of vision. Ethan stiffened, straightening to come face to face with the one person he'd hoped to avoid - Richard.

Their eyes locked in a silent challenge of wills, the air thickening with hostility. Around them, villagers instinctively distanced themselves, sensing the tension simmering below the surface.

At last, Richard spoke. "Enjoying small town life, Ethan? I'm sure it's a far cry from the luxury you're accus
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