“Hello sir” the police chief greeted as Nick sauntered into the office, “i just finished talking with the president and he says his speech is scheduled for 12 noon tomorrow”

Nick lowered himself on the chair opposite him, “then I have only today then”

“What do you mean?” The man was confused.

“Have you ever come across a case of arson?” His eyes were glued to the man as he asked, he was studying the man intently.

“We deal with the case of arson almost every year sir, I think people who are involved in such acts are psychopaths” he cringed as he talked which made Nick smirk amidst his anger.

Then he leaned forward, “what if I tell you I am about to commit such a crime?”

The chief’s face went from normal to horror, “what?”

Why was this man weird? Not only did he bring himself to prison willingly, he was announcing the crime he wanted to commit? Wasn’t he even scared of the law even in the slightest?

“See” Nick paused for a second before he continued, “I will let you in on the main reaso
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