It was a busy Saturday, everyone was having their lunch in the dining room when the huge doors creaked open and a tall dominating figure entered in all his might and poise. The whole hall became quiet as a graveyard when all eyes fell on him. Was he really here? What the hell was he doing here and he was also dressed in a pair of prison uniform, what crime did the number one businessman in London commit?

Well, that was Nick furgesson and he was live in prison.

The smirk on his lips didn’t go unnoticed by people but the moment his eyes fell on a particular person, the smile on his lips disappeared and in its stead was a deadly look.

Alvanon almost peed his pants when he saw Nick in the prison. What the hell was he doing here? How did he even get into this prison and that too so secretly? It was not announced that he had done something and he was to be taken to prison. When was he even tried?

All these thoughts were running through his mind when Nick walked past him and went to sit with
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