Everyone's life is a mess

Chapter -138

"Hey, Simon. Do you know where my father is?" Alex was on the phone. He was trying to reach out to his father, but all he got was, 'The number you are calling is not reachable.'

With all that happened yesterday, Alex got no chance to call his father to let him know about his whereabouts and that he was okay and having fun without talking about the incident.

After Alex left the bed, washing up, he thought to check on Jessica. Not because of what happened the night before but in general to know how she was doing and if she noticed anything or anyone suspicious around her.

But as he left his room and checked his phone, he noticed there were a couple of missed calls from Martha, but none from his father. Thinking about his father, he realised that he had not talked to him for nearly a day. He called him around the same time yesterday before he left for snorkelling, which he couldn't do either. With that thought in mind, Alex tried to call George while strolling in the corrido
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