Rise Of The Student Billionaire

48 ratings

Rise Of The Student Billionaire

By: Dragon Sly Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 400 views: 110.1K

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🏆No. 1 Leading Novel In The ["They'll Regret It Soon"] contest. [Gold] "You cheated on me Dorothy, you're leaving me for him just because I'm poor" This was the life story of Benjamin Hayes, an ordinary university student, grapples with a life of financial hardship and societal disrespect. His life became more miserable when the girl he thought loved her only played him and left him for the campus rich guy. When life was going hard for him, a shocking revelation is made, life is going to take a turn. Wait For Benjamin As He Rises from a campus poor guy to the student billionaire. "To the lady who betrayed me, those who mocked me, I'll make you all regret."

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  • John W


    Benjamin needs to come back and get her quickly. not liking where this is going.

    2024-07-22 03:44:50
  • Omowunmi Omolayo Yusuff


    This story is amazing very creative ,please upload new chapter the waiting is annoying.

    2024-07-20 19:40:41
  • Shen Izak Zakia


    have a Good Story, and love the MC, his way of talking is so very professional

    2024-07-09 16:06:27
  • Aisha Abdulrahmon


    not everybody we look down on

    2024-07-06 06:41:34
  • Aisha Abdulrahmon


    this story is educative and let people know that no every we look down on (Benjamin)

    2024-07-06 06:39:47
  • adedoyin Yemi


    This story gives me joy and it is very creative, I love Benjamin boldness and courage.

    2024-07-04 23:30:31
  • Precious Adeniyi


    wow Benjamin is so intelligent, and business oriented Can't imagine how rich he will become when he's real estate business boom Good luck Benjamin

    2024-07-04 18:06:54
  • Shen Izak Zakia


    this book is awesome, and the way the character made it gives something like professionalism

    2024-06-30 19:36:44
  • Marc Clemente Lagmay


    Great story I'm so happy that Benjamin is already awake I can't wait for the new episode when Raymond and Benjamin will have a showdown

    2024-06-25 13:18:54
  • novellover


    Is it really 2 chapter only per day?

    2024-05-17 23:51:31
  • Octavian


    Good story

    2024-05-07 00:41:18
  • Patricia Lilato Mufuzi


    Mmm cordila you aren't ready until now another girl will steal him away be careful

    2024-05-05 00:42:17
  • Patricia Lilato Mufuzi


    Wow am so happy about how the man guy Benjamin was in the hospital and then show some thing about his girl cordilas past and family and how she put him first and show no guy is better then him whether rich or poor. Drangon sly am your fan. .........️...️

    2024-04-20 02:24:29
  • Ojuju-Writer


    Bruv, this is art!!

    2024-03-29 19:43:06
  • Patricia Lilato Mufuzi


    The chapters keep getting hotter and hotter can't wait for the next one

    2024-03-26 04:54:12
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400 chapters
Chapter 1: At The Library
It was around seven o'clock pm at Elysian University. The night had a festive air, with students enjoying themselves all around. Meanwhile, as the students enjoyed themselves, in the quiet Elysian library sat Benjamin Hayes, a young student with a book in his hands, deeply engrossed in reading. Despite his handsome appearance, Benjamin's clothes could tell from a first glance that he was poor. The truth is the 24 yr old student was an average student, juggling various jobs to make ends meet. At times, he would run errands for wealthier students just to earn a few extra bucks, and this made him one of the most looked-down-on students on campus. Suddenly, a loud noise echoed through the campus, shattering Benjamin's peaceful reading. He closed his book with a frown and rose from his seat. Since the library was on an upper floor, he approached the glass window to see what the commotion was about. "Huh!"The sight that met his eyes was astonishing. More than a hundred college students h
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Chapter 2: Betrayal
Seeing Benjamin kicking Maverick, a group of students loyal to Maverick, quickly rushed forward and held Benjamin forcefully pulling him away.Benjamin, still struggling to break free and continue hitting Maverick yelled, "Leave me, leave me!" But his protests fell on deaf ears as they held him in a firm grip.A few students from Benjamin's department observed the spectacle, shaking their heads in dismay. One remarked, "So, this useless guy is back to cause trouble?"Another inquired, "Do you know him?""Of course. He's a popular broke guy, poor as a church rat," came the reply.Laughter rippled through the group. "I've seen people become popular for being rich, but never for being broke," one of them said. "Haha, Benjamin isn't just broke; he's the epitome of poverty. Utterly useless and frankly, quite repulsive," another chimed in, disdain evident in his tone."He's pushed it this time. Hitting Maverick? He won't get away with it," predicted another."Indeed. I bet he'll be left in
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Chapter 3: Fear My Return
Dorothy frowned, about to reply, but her words were cut short by Maverick's interruption. He slung an arm around her neck, planting a kiss on her cheeks. "Don't worry about talking too much Dorothy. Let me handle this," he assured.Dorothy smiled in agreement, nodding. Maverick took a step forward, addressing Benjamin sharply. "Benjamin Hayes, I didn't catch what you said. Repeat it."Benjamin's lips curled into a sneer. "Ask her then. I don't have time to repeat myself." A brief furrow of Maverick's brow revealed his irritation. "Fine, forget it. You want your $1000 back that you lent her?""You heard it clearly, so why are you asking again?" Benjamin retorted, his tone laced with impatience.Maverick's patience was waning, but he maintained his composure. "You claim she owes you. First of all, are you a loan officer? Secondly do you have any evidence to prove that Dorothy owes you?""Mind your own business. Who are you, and what do you know? Where were you when she asked for the m
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Chapter 4: Expelled
As Benjamin left, Maverick turned to the gathered students with a triumphant grin on his face. "Y'all, thank you for being here. Don't worry, just give me a total headcount, and I'll have some delicious food delivered from our hotel right here for you tonight. Let's make sure you all have a great time."The crowd erupted into applause, impressed by Maverick's generous offer."You're amazing, Maverick! "Wow, this is so generous of you!""I can't believe he's doing this for us. What a guy!"Maverick basked in the praise, his chest swelling with pride. He turned to Dorothy, his tone filled with confidence. "My car is parked outside. Let's go have the best dish tonight at my dad's top-notch hotel." Dorothy's eyes sparkled with delight. "Okay, okay."After Maverick gathered the total number of those he was going to send the food to, he and Dorothy made their exit. Meanwhile, Benjamin trudged back to his dorm, his face etched with sorrow. Getting inside, he saw no one there including his
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Chapter 5: An Accident
The words hit Benjamin like a tidal wave, leaving him stunned and breathless. His classmates' jeers only added salt to the wound."Expelled? Good riddance!"Maybe now he'll learn some manners."Desperation etched across Benjamin's face, he implored, "Please, Mrs. Ann, I understand I was late, but we have a test coming up. If I miss this class, I'll fail."But Mrs. Ann remained unmoved, her expression stern. "I've made my decision, Benjamin. You've disrupted this class enough.""Mrs. Ann, please, I beg you. I can't afford to fail this test. I'll do anything to make up for being late."Mrs. Ann's stern demeanor remained unchanged. "Your actions have consequences, Benjamin. I've made my decision."His voice trembling, Benjamin continued, "I promise I'll never be late again. Just give me this chance, please."But Mrs. Ann's expression remained resolute. "Leave this class, Benjamin."Seeing his pleas fall on deaf ears, Benjamin's desperation surged. "Please, Madam Ann, I'll do anything. I'
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Chapter 6: Consciousness Regained.
The man who was driving was shocked. "Madam, why send him home? He looks just hungry; that's why. Splashing some water on him to regain his consciousness and getting him some $100 cash as an apology will solve the problem. Have you forgotten we are searching for the most important thing in your...""Shut up!" The woman yelled. "Are you trying to tell me what to do by disobeying the order I've given you?"The man shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, madam; I didn't mean to imply that. I was only telling you that all the efforts will be in vain if we leave what we are searching to focus on this.""Yes, just do what I've ordered; that's it." She looked at the two guards. "Are you still standing there?" she asked.They quickly picked Benjamin up and placed him in the car. The woman then sat inside, and the man also started the car, reversed and drove off.The bodyguards also got into the car behind it and trailed the Porsche.Half an hour later, they arrived at a grand estate. The guards
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Chapter 7: 1 Million Dollars
Uhm, Benjamin scratched his head, uncertain of how to respond.Madam Evelyn gestured beside her and said, "Sit down.Benjamin nodded and took a seat. Evelyn looked at him with a warm smile and inquired, "What's your name?""I'm Benjamin, mom," he replied. A joyful expression spread across the woman's face. The name Benjamin seemed to remember her of something, but apart from that, another thing made her smile. "What... did you just say?" She asked. "I meant my name is Benjamin," he clarified. Evelyn shook her head, her eyes glistening with emotion. "No, the word you mentioned after your name." "Mom?" Benjamin repeated. Evelyn nodded, her smile now tinged with tears as she wiped her eyes. She looked at Benjamin and shared, "You know, i also have a son named Benjamin and if was to be around, he would have been like you by now. It's been years since I heard the word, 'mom' addressed to me."Benjamin nodded, understanding her sentiment. He then inquired, "What happened to your son?
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Chapter 8: Shocking Revelation
"What?" The shock on both Evelyn and Ezra's faces was evident as they turned their attention towards Benjamin, who remained blissfully unaware of the mounting tension.Evelyn's mind raced with questions. What could this possibly mean? She wondered, her thoughts racing.Unbeknownst to Benjamin, he retrieved his phone and glanced at the screen before placing it back on the table, dismissing the call that had now ended. His focus remained on his meal.Evelyn's heart pounded in her chest, her anxiety escalating. She turned to Ezra, her tone determined. "Call the number again."Ezra nodded, quickly redialing the number. As soon as he did, Benjamin's phone once again rang, joining the chorus of uncertainty that hung in the air.Evelyn seized the phone from Ezra's hand and held it to her ear, her gaze still fixed on Benjamin, who had now put down his spoon and picked up his phone. "Benjamin Hayes speaking, who's this?" he asked. Gasp!" The revelation shook Evelyn to her core, causing the ph
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Chapter 9: $10 Billion Heir
"Boom!" The revelation hit Benjamin like a tidal wave, shaking him to his core."Wha... what are you saying?" Benjamin stammered, his mind struggling to process it all.Evelyn reached out to hold his hand, but he pulled back, his confusion evident. "Benjamin, I'm your mom, you're the lost son I was talking about."Benjamin shook his head in disbelief. "No, no, what's going on? Didn't you bring me here because Mr. Ezra nearly hit me? Are you trying to sympathize with me by saying this? Explain."Evelyn moved to pour a glass of wine and handed it to him. "Drink this, son."Benjamin shook his head and said, "I don't need this, I need explanation."Evelyn nodded and said, "I know and I will explain everything that made me know that you are my son to you. Drink this and calm down."Benjamin hesitated, then took the glass, drinking it down in one go. "I'm done now, say it, please."Evelyn nodded, her gaze steady. She began to recount her years-long search for her lost son, visiting orphanag
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Chapter 10: NexaSky Aerospace
"What?" Benjamin's body shook so violently that the card slipped from his trembling hand. He could hardly believe the staggering amount his mother had just disclosed.His hands quivered as he tried to process the immense sum. Though unsure whether his mother's words were entirely true, the mention of such money had unsettled him profoundly.Evelyn, witnessing the card slip to the floor, was taken aback. She bent to retrieve it, her eyes fixed on Benjamin. "What happened, son? Why did you drop the card? And why are you suddenly sweating? Is everything alright?" she inquired. Benjamin wiped the bead of sweat forming on his head and asked, "Mom, you said there's 10... ten... 10 billion dollars on this card?" His voice wavered with disbelief.Evelyn nodded, her expression calm. "Yes, son. There's 10 billion on it. What's wrong?"Benjamin's throat felt dry as he swallowed hard. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the card in his mother's hand. It was surreal to imagine such an astronomical
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