Chapter 4 His pathetic life



They drove him out and gave him nothing. The only thing he had was his clothes. He spent his last saving on the old lady's birthday.

 He stood at the entrance with no hope, tears were filled in his eyes but because he was a man he didn’t allowed it to flow. 

He didn’t know whether he should go west or east nor south. 

Where was he going to sleep this evening. How was he going to eat. Awww what an unfair world.

“Alaric has been walking for hours, he wanted a place to spend the night. He continued till he found a store which he assumed it will be safe to lay himself down.

He took one of his clothes from the plastic bag and lay it on the floor. The place was very cold and were filled with mosquitoes.

He compared the place to the where he sleeps at the Hans family and realized it was better than here.

At the Hans family, he was sleeping in a store room filled with food stuffs and groceries, where unwanted things are kept.

When the old master was alive, he was sleeping in the same room with Mandi but he slept on the floor whilst Mandi sleeps on the bed.


But when the old master died, Mandi drove him out of her room, the servant didn’t accept him so he had no place but to sleep in the store room. 

The room was very stinky with different food scent but there were no mosquitoes and  he had cloth to cover himself when it’s  cold.

But now here he has no cloth to cover himself, the cold was getting stronger, he started shivering. Only God knows how he survived through the night.

“Hey wake up.” Someone tap him, Alaric was a light sleeper so he woke up shortly.

“ Young man why are you sleeping in front of my shop, do you want to affect my shop with your bad luck, get up , don’t come here again or I will accuse and sue you for  stealing.”

Hmm this world, there many people who are heartless. Alaric left because he will be jailed if he were to be accused. 

He continued his hopeless journey. 

He went  from one store to another till he was able to find job  at a food joint. He was a part time worker who delivers food to customers.

He was able to earn little. He also sells news paper on the street. He move from one job to the other. 

He didn’t give up even though his future was dark.



“Did you find my grandson?”


“Yes old master, he was a live son in-law in the Hans family, they have driven him away”.

“What!! a descendants of the Harry’s family is been driven out and has no place to stay?” He shouted in shocked.

“Where is he now?”

“Old master he is sleeping on New Way Joint street.”.

“Ok go and pick him, it’s time for him to come home. You need to speed up, the Brian family are also searching for him.”

This was the conversation between Alaric maternal grandpa and the family butler.



“Have you found the boy?”

“Yes master”.

“Good it’s time for him to come home. His useless father took him away when he was only a month old. seeing how he took the Hans family from  nothing to third tier wealthy family, he is the perfect heir for this family. 

As for the greedy Hans family he would know what to do with them. You need to speed up, the Harry’s family is also searching for him.” Alaric paternal grandpa said hopefully but a little worried. Whose family will his grandson side with.





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