Chapter 8 - Beasts And Monsters

Chapter 8 – Beasts and monsters

     Ghou immediately turned his head backward to see a large gray shark which was diving vastly toward him

“Heaven’s flame.” Ghou muttered and instantly jumped to the opposite direction successfully dodging the attack of the shark which had its rough spiky teeth to the ground. The shark began to flap it claw-like tails realizing that it was stuck.

“Ahh, my goodness.” Ghou instantly stood up from the ground and ran to the other guards who were shivering at the sight. “That’s a diseased shark right.”

    The guards tilted their head toward Ghou and nodded, the shark violently began to twine it head from the ground and successfully removed it therefore landing on the ground creating a loud thud, it body began to jump up and down on the sand to the water where it zoomed off

“Oh, okay then, I’ll just stand here and wait.”

“I do not think there is any time to wait, look.” One of the guards pointed toward the sea were an army of strange alligators swam vastly toward them.

“Guards, are you ready.” Ghou asked with his eyes glued to the alligators which already landed on the ground running crazily toward them. The alligators which were at a number of twelve had thick blue scales around it body and elongated long spikes on the center of their back, their thick scaly and long tail waved hardly as their four short legs daggered the sand with the help of their claws.

    One of the guards instantly jumped forward and raised both his arms to the air, a large piece of the earth ripped off from the ground and violently landed on the alligators


     The uprooted piece of earth instantly shattered as it landed on the alligators doing a zero harm unto them.

“Eh.” The guard stared with shock with his hand still in the air, the alligators were fast approaching now about 12 meters away from him “Let me see how you’ll handle this.”

He pushed his hand forward and the surface of the earth the alligators ran through pulled and within a matter of seconds flung itself into the deeper parts of the sea

“Good j-job.” Ghou stared at the direction of the sea in awe, his jaws were slacking on the ground as he imagined what his fire could had done to the alligators.

Absolutely nothing, that boulder shattered on them without causing a single scratch, what exactly would my shurikens or vein had even done to it!

     Ghou was shocked miserably, seeing the power of the earth skill and how it did a good job on getting rid of the alligators made him feel weak as his powers were so common and weak.

But just then, his thoughts paused upon seeing a large maggot that instantly crawled out of the sea, the skin was slimy pale and dark purple with orbit lines around it to enable it movement, the singular large and bulgy red eye of the maggot revealed itself vividly while its round large mouth coated itself with an army of red long and pointy teeth which sprouted out of it.

    The monster instantly gave a loud screech as it mouth widened leaving the dark body of the maggot to the open.

“This will be easy.” Ghou knitted his brows and began to shoot multiple shurikens which the maggot dodged easily as it twisted and stretched it body “Stay still you idiot.”

“Or maybe I should help.” Another guard walked towards him with a smile, he closed his hands together and a beam of light instantly glowed out of it before he slowly began to widen his hand making a fiery rope which spiraled itself into a zig-zag shape. After some seconds, the guard pushed his hand forward sending the spiraled rope to the maggot.


    The maggot exploded releasing a slimy purple liquid from it skin. The liquid headed directly for the guard with a fast pace thereby not giving him any chance to dodge, his body was covered with the liquid which glued unto every parts of his armor including his exposed face within his helmet.

“Teddy, are you alright.” A guard ran toward him immediately after noticing the stiffness of his body

“Ted, T-Ted are you okay.” Ghou asked with his head staring to Teddy who stood at his direct opposite. Ghou eyebrows were knitted together with his eyes glued on him, the liquid did not go anywhere near the other or even him who was at the direct opposite and this made things confusing.

     Teddy the guard stood still like a statue not responding to anyone, the liquid were finally solid on him and cracks appeared in all the parts like it was ready to shatter, but yet nothing happened.

“Teddy.” The guard touched Ted’s hands which immediately broke down into dust, the guard eyes opened with while his eyebrows were shot towards the sky.

“No!!!” The guard began to caress all the part of Ted’s body thereby grounding it into dust.

Ghou walked forward away from the guards who were already in grief, he looked toward the sea and saw another army of eels which were floating quickly towards them.

“Looks like we won’t have a break after all.”


    Silas countered the blow of the large bear with the help of his large sword by ripping its arms off its body. The bear made a loud roar at Silas who stared at it with a blank expression as he wriggled the large flamberg sword in his palms.

    Slowly the bear began to back off with one of his hands caught off while it made an almost non-audible grunt. Silas curled up his lips with his gaze fixed on the bear which instantly jumped back into the forest with bloody furs.


   Silas felt a sudden sharp pain in his wrist followed by a deafening roar, he instantly tilted his head to see another large furry bear with a long and sharp horn attached to the center of its head.

    The bear made another deafening roar and lifted Silas from the ground with the help of it paws which grew a large sharp claw. Silas was about to release a shout as he floated in the air with the motion of the bear but he stopped himself with a sudden thought of the kind of voice he was going explode. In a short period of time, the bear flung him violently to the left part of the wall.


    Silas landed abruptly on the ground with a loud thud, his body were aching in all part due to the crash but fortunately it wasn’t severe thank to the help of the metallic armor on him.

Silas sat upright on the ground with total silence not making a slightest sound, he looked to the left to see Ghou and other guards who were battling with an army of eels, he turned his head back to the bear which was running in a fast pace toward him.

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