Chapter# 14

I felt like someone planted lips on my cheek, as hot breath moistened it.

"You'll miss good things sleeping", she said, "Wake up!".

I shifted.

"Hey!", the voice resonated.

"Hey! You need to get up!", I realized the change of voice as someone rapidly slapped on my cheek.

My eyelids parted a bit and I saw a swivel of people around me.

My head felt so burdensome over my neck.

"She's alive", a girl smiled at me, "Told ya she's just comatose".

My eyes began closing again and her voice breaked and echoed around me. I can't understand what she's saying to me.

I put up all energy and pushed my eyes open then I shoved myself in a sitting position. I can't feel my lower region and when I tried to sit it was hurting. I hissed in pain.

"Where... Where am I?", my voice was scratchy for not using it long.

"Look, we might look like a jackass to you but we don't know either, still trynna figure out and I'd insist you on it too", someone spoke angrily like I asked some stupid question.

I looked in th
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