A sublime love, chapter 7

An anonymous call startles Aliyan and he rushes to leave the house. Arriving at the police station, the inspector asks the police officer to handcuff Aliyan, saying that he is guilty of the young woman's death. Aliyan is lost in the action. It does not identify anything of what is happening. While the officer was driving him to lock him up he aimed at heaven and shouted "I am an innocent inspector, you are making a serious mistake in condemning me. ”

Being locked up, he goes back and forth between the four corners and thinks about everything that happened. He thinks and thinks above all about this anonymous call that made him come and put him in prison. He is in his thoughts when one of his lawyers comes to see him. He asks him what happened but he couldn't tell him anything because he himself doesn't know much about what's going on. The lawyer tells him that he can do nothing for him if he does not tell him what happened when he yells at him, saying that he confuses him and that he would like to be alone. The lawyer then left him.

Yannick has just arrived home, he comes across his mother who is asleep in the couch right in the living room. He stood there looking at her after two minutes before going up to his room and taking a shower. After the shower he rested in a space of thirty minutes and then went down for work. Downstairs, he was holding the door of his car when Mrs. Françoise shouted to him "I know what you did". He turned and looked at her he said with a smile "What are you trying to tell me by that? ", his mother is so surprised to see him like that with tears in her eyes she tells him "you are like him, you have become like this man who is your father". to hear the say of his mother, Yannick saw himself in silence before saying "I am an OUSSEYE, I am OUSSEYE Yannick. You should be proud of me, Mom." His mother who was standing at the threshold of the door looked at him and looking up to heaven and then the earth she turns inside and closes the door behind her.

While Yannick leaves, his mother Mrs. Françoise sticks her back to the door and slips to the ground into a depression and a wave of lamentation and regret. She shouts to the eternal why she, why is it up to her to see her children live and fight to destroy the happiness of the or her? The other who is of his blood, who comes from my bowels ? It poses so much enigma. She is there on the ground when the housekeeper, the head of the servants, approaches. Feeling her steps coming to her, she rushes to wipe her tears and straighten up. The lady comes to ask her what she is going to do with Mr. Wilfried's favorite dish for which she has struggled to prepare. It was there that she remembered that if she had fallen asleep in the couch in the living room it was because she was waiting for her husband sir and he had not returned at night. Basically she did all this for nothing. Not having liked it, she raises her voice to say to throw everything in the trash, starting by throwing them on the ground herself. She throws the food with the plates on the ground with rage. The woman was there looking at her without saying a word and calming her down. Afterwards, she went up to her room and began to empty tears from her body. Her heart was dolent.

Aliyan who is in prison receives a visit, it's Bendis. She sticks to the iron bar and reaches out her hand to Aliyan who grabs her hand and puts it on her heart and said so.

- What is the harm my heart has done? Falling into your world and bowing down, I didn't expect it at all. But I'm still in love with you, the woman who is going to kill me.

She looks at him with stars in her eyes and puts her hand under his chin.

- You want me to kill you, that's what my father wants too. But you see? I'm a handicap when it comes to you. So if you want to do it yourself. But before tell me what you're doing behind this iron bars after everything you've gone through.

He looks on her lips and reads in her eyes something, a word, a feeling, something he forbade himself to read.

- Bendis? What motivated you not to accomplish your mission? Tell me the truth.

- I fell in love with what my father and Yannick both believe. But in reality it was since the first time I met you at home.

- I remember that day you looked at me ...

- In my eyes, what did they have?

- Can you do me a favor?

After Bendis listened to what Aliyan said carefully, she set off on the way. On the road she called on a woman who is her best friend in whom she placed blind trust. The friend's name is Estrella. On the road, Bendis talked about what Aliyan thought of her friend and asked her to be discreet on every point and that if she called her it was because she needs her for something.

Later, they find themselves in a house. There they started searching the house, they searched every corner of the house but having found nothing interesting, Bendis left empty-handed. They go down the stairs while chatting when they hear Yannick's voice and go up to hide. It was Benedict the woman who talks with Yannick. Bendis is so surprised that she wanted to go out to ask them what they are doing together but Estrella retained her and she couldn't do anything. They stayed there listening to them exchange.

- Besides, I would love you so much. Do you see? Serving you proves to me that you always think of me and that I matter to you. (says Benedict to Yannick)

- Love must not make you lose your reason to shit eh. You know the risk you run if you ever leave even a small clue.

- Yes, I know my love.

- Well, I'll leave you. I have to go to the warehouse for something. Tomorrow everything will be put in place and Bendis could come home.

To be continued...

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