Laura Ban, AKA Marina!

Magnet was staring at his computer screen as the photo and name of the owner of the fingerprint he had found in Alina's house were loading and revealing from the head to the bust.

Magnet squinted, impatiently waiting to see who the person was when he heard the sound of Barter's car outside.

He got up quickly to check.

Indeed, it was Barter that had arrived.

Magnet hurried out to show Barter in.

''Welcome bro, what's good?'' Magnet asked with a cheerful tone, but Barter was not in the mood to be cheerful at all.

''What's up? Where's the person? Who's the person?'' Barter asked as soon as he saw Magnet. He didn't have time for greetings at all.

''Re...'' Magnet was going to tell Barter to relax but he held back.

This man's sister had most likely been murdered in cold blood in one of the creepiest fashions he had ever heard of, so Barter had the right, by all means, to be paranoid, anxious, angry, and ready for war.

''Alright, come in fam, let's go see it together,'' Magnet said and led
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