Chapter 8

It was from the hospital, pressing him for payment before time went out. Daniel had expected it, so he wasn’t very surprised.

After hanging up the phone, he quickly picked it up again and called Craig.

Had Craig said ‘no’, it would be two hundred percent harder for him to solve the problem.

Just as Daniel was waiting for Craig, a thought suddenly struck him as he looked down at the relic and bank book he was holding.

Although the family enemies had never recognized the family relic, he couldn’t leave the house just like that holding it in the open air, could he? And he definitely had to remove the button from the drawers.

The gold in the hidden wooden box was safer there but it needed a portable switch. And for the relic, he went into his room and glued a football sticker on its surface before wearing it around his neck, making it appear as if it was a football team necklace.

The family enemies were after the relic and in their perception,THAT THING was embedded in the house, so he
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