Another trouble?

Ken glanced at the Rolex on his left wrist. It was a few minutes to his dinner date but Ray was yet to show up.

He stood up, strode to the window, and stuck his head out, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ray but the chauffeur was nowhere to be found.

With a frustrated sigh, he returned to the couch and snatched his phone. He was just about to dial Ray's number when his senses were drawn to the revving of his Lamborghini.

He quickly rushed out of the room as if he was being hunted.

"And why are you late?" He fired at Ray the moment the driver alighted from the vehicle.

Ray stared at his phone screen and darted his gaze back to Ken. "Sir, you asked me to come and pick you up at 6: 30 pm. It's 6:38 right now."

Ken sighed. Those eight minutes seemed like forever. "I'm sorry Ray. Maybe it's because I'm on the edge."

Ray smiled and opened the door to the back seat for Ken to step in. "I understand boss, Love can be a crazy thing." he teased.

"Silly!" Ken remarked after a chuckle. He jumped into
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