The perfect plan so he thought

What in the world was Charlie doing at the restaurant at such an hour wondered Ken. Why do Charlie and his girlfriend Miranda, always turn up at the wrong time and end up ruining things?

Charlie had vowed to never initiate Ken in a fight. He had seen the guy's martial art skills on display several times and he would be a fool to start a fight with Ken.

"I'm just here to grab my girl," Charlie said and slid his arm into Miranda's.

With the look that says 'You are done for?' he began dragging Miranda out of the restaurant.

Ken was stunned that Charlie didn't pick up a fight with him neither was the guy willing to engage him in his usual small talk.

Charlie and Miranda left.

Ken turned around and began taking strides toward Jane. Her beautiful floral gown which was immaculately dazzling earlier had turned red and was looking damp.

The waitresses had tried to clean her up but her hair was soiled with red wine and sauce droplets.

"I'll use the restroom." she excused herself the moment Ken
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