Queen of the girls

"For real?" Drew said.

"Of course. Why would I like her? She's a brat."

"Or maybe you're in self-denial."

"No I'm not."

"Well I don't know for you, but I need her at my party. She is the influence I need for the girls to come in their throngs." Drew said.

"She ain't the f**king queen of the girls " Nathan scorned.

"Why are you being antagonist if you don't care?"

The bell rang for recess and the auditorium soon became noisy.

"I have to go hand a flyer to her. Are you coming?"

He had to focus on his Job now. Which was staying in close proximity and guarding her. So he didn't have a choice.

He didn't even want to go to the Cafe now, even though he knew the attention he'd be receiving there.

But he felt none of them would be worth it.

"Sure. I have to be around her anyway, so I might as well follow through"

Drew and Nic surveyed him. "What do you mean ?"

And he realized his mistake, almost too late. He had to result to being childish to resolve the situation. "I mean, she was
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