The Death of Hyoleem

While the tragic battle between Gin, Gabby against Bellmod and Wyne was going on, Kieran was also pressed for time to defeat the Death Knight and took Mio away.

After battling the Death Knights for a while, Kieran realized that he had no way to defeat these undead. The herbs couldn't stun it, Its armor was too thick, and he was unable to break it. Guns couldn't hurt it. His punches were useless against it.

Kieran's skill that was lack of offense became a problem again in this battle. When he thought about that, Kieran decided to run away of the Death Knight instead of fighting against it. He had a plan in mind.

The young man took a deep breath and then exhaled. His eyes stared intently at the Death Knight. As the gust of wind hit his face, he immediately dashed towards the undead. The Death Knight raised its sword, as Kieran arrived in front of him, the Death Knight slashed It's great sword down. However, Kieran managed to avoid it.

[Night Doom]

He used this skill to blind the Death K
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