46. surprised

the poor man's revenge 46

Devano stood in the distance looking at the man approaching the guard. Continued to stand in front of the villa that looked magnificent, without even intending to move from there.

The man immediately approached, he would pretend as a man who was lost, and misguided.

Seeing Aldo's car parked in front of them and without them caring who owns it. Making the man wonder, he will try to find out.

He started giving greetings to the two men guarding the front of the area.

“Sir, I'm sorry, it seems I have taken the wrong direction, sir, I don't understand the area here, and instead got lost towards the forest, my friend didn't read the maps wrong. So may I ask for some of your fuel or else lend us the car.” He then pointed in the direction where Aldo's car was.

Those who had been silent until now suddenly felt disturbed.

They stare at each other,

After a while, one of them said something.

"Who are you? We don't allow you to use it. Hurry and go! That i
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