Boss Event: Part Six [Bardrick vs. Earth Ape]


[Race / Name: Human / BARDRICK]

[Level: 24]

[Type: Slasher]

[Weapon / Skill : Blood Hammer / Call of Enyo]

[Exp= 2350 / 2760]

[HP= 700 / 700]

[AP= 346 / 346]

[MP= 277 / 277]


"Y'all stay here!...I'll handle this! <CALL OF ENYO!>" Bardrick, the surviving leader of the King's Eagle Party, whose all team members were recently murdered; by activating his <CALL OF ENYO> skill, he enabled the ivory armor made of a non-Earthly metal over his black muscular body to completely cover his body even cover his face.


[Bardrick's MP decreased from 277 to 177]

[Bardrick has gained Armor of Enyo]

[Defense bonus +1.500]

[Bardrick's DP increased from 0 to 1.500]


"WHAT! NO! By fighting alone, none of us stand a chance of surviving against such a powerful enemy!" Said, the leader of Arabia's Yad Alsalam Party, the 2nd strongest team on the battlefield, warned him.

"A leader who did nothing while his team was murdered has no right to live anyway!" Burgundy lights appeared in both of his hands at the same time, and they fused and materialized into an elemental sledgehammer, which he called the Blood Hammer, with a tip consisting of three large red stones instead of one.


[Bardrick's MP decreased from 177 to 77]

[Bardrick has gained Blood Hammer]

[Weapon bonus + 300]

[Bardrick's AP increased from 346 to 646]


"Wow. Bardrick's Call of Enyo skill is incredible. It provided him with 1,500 defenses. Also, thanks to the Blood Hammer, his attack power is now over 2x." Elena was still following the changes in stats and her hopes were higher with Bardrick's progress. "However..." Still, she was aware of the facts. "It still seems very difficult for him to win the war, he can withstand at most one attack of that thing..."



Level: [24] vs. [52]

Race: [Human- Slasher] vs. [Monster- Boss]

HP= [700] vs. [9.349]

DP = [1.500] vs. [0]

AP= [646] vs [1.720]

MP= [77] vs.  [0]


"DIE!" Earth Ape was 100 meters away from Bardrick and teleported to appear next to him and swung its hairy claw at him.

Bardrick had jumped backward a second before the monster's claw smashed the ground, quickly raised his Blood Hammer with both hands, then jumped over Earth Ape, slamming his giant hammer down hard on him. Just after the dust cloud that the monster's claw scattered from the ground, a second dust cloud mass was formed by the impact of the Blood Hammer, making the relevant area of the battlefield completely unobservable.


[Target Hit]

[Damage -646]

[HP of EARTH APE= 8.703]


Slightly affected by the blow, Earth Ape shot up into the sky through the dust cloud, and when it reached a height of five meters, it drew its knees to its stomach, hand on its knees, and continued to soar into the sky with new wings emerging on its back.

"You are not going anywhere!" Bardrick swung his giant Blood Hammer around his ivory-colored armor quickly to disperse the cloud of dust, then slammed the impact portion of three large red stones into the ground, creating a five-meter column of crimson blood that soared into the sky, and then he hit at the bottom of the solidified column with his Blood Hammer like hitting a golf ball with a golf club. Many shards of the column of blood that shattered like glass sped after Earth Ape, and Bardrick looked after them like a golfer.


[Bardrick's MP decreased from 77 to 67]


"GET LOST!" Earth Ape suddenly teleported behind Bardrick, grabbing his head from behind with the hairy claw of its last remaining hand and lifting him into the air.



[Target Missed]


Zivko, the leader of the Udaraci Party, the 9th strongest party in the world, turned his right arm into the space-crafted sniper gun again and fired it into Earth Ape's arm to help Bardrick, and Earth Ape quickly dropped Bardrick's head and bent backward.

"GET BACK, BARDRICK!" Jainyu was about to swing his sword at Earth Ape, snatching the Vanguard Sword that had just been forcibly thrown to the ground by Doom and running towards Earth Ape, asking Bardrick, who was standing between them, to withdraw.


Jianyu and Zivko, who had mobilized to help Bardrick, and the others prepared to act, were stopped by Bardrick's distressing shout.

"Let me not lose the diminished dignity that I still have...!"

They did not want to let this honorable leader die, but Bardrick had not let them interfere, and they reluctantly made no further intervention...

Bardrick retrieved the Blood Hammer he had just dropped from Earth Ape's attack and turned around to walk toward the monster...However, Earth Ape made a much faster attack thanks to the wings it created on its back in the middle of the fight, and this time Bardrick was caught off-guard.


[Target Hit]

[Damage -1.720]

[Bardrick's defense decreased from 1.500 to 0]

[Armor of Enyo has been destroyed]

[HP of BARDRICK = 480]


The monster's claws swung from the bottom up, cutting three deep slits in Bardrick's chest and under his chin.

Earth Ape's claw suddenly appeared in front of him, causing Bardrick's ivory-colored armor to shatter and blood to gush out of his body, and he was tossed back 300 meters... And Bardrick's ivory armor was completely gone...

"BARDRICKKKKK!" Jianyu of the Origin Party and Elena of the Dual Wind Party have shouted together. Others watched nervously.

"I can..." Bardrick got up from where he had fallen, inside of the dust clouds, clutching the Blood Hammer more tightly with both hands. "I can" His chest and chin were bleeding, but he was determined not to give up...

"NO, YOU CAN'T" Earth Ape teleported itself right over Bardrick this time and landed on him like a giant boulder from the sky.

"SHUT UP!!" Bardrick did not change his position from where he was stepping, turning the Blood Hammer one round around his own body and has swung it into the sky like a boxer's uppercut fist.


[Bardrick's MP decreased from 67 to 57]

[Target Hit]

[Damage -646]

[Elemental bonus of Blood Hamer -1.000]

[TOTAL DAMAGE = -1.646 HP]

[HP of EARTH APE= 7.157]


Two seconds before Earth Ape landed on Bardrick, the Blood Hammer hit its left foot, crystallizing its body with blood, throwing it backward, causing it to fly through the air and tumble into the distance.


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