Chapter 7

Richardson was stunned into shock at the man’s words, and he made himself glance around the entire area to be sure that this man right here was indeed referring to him and not someone else.

“Excuse me?” Richardson managed to croak out.

The man whose suit’s texture was as smooth as butter, went ahead to bow his head, which unnerved Richardson so much that he almost dropped to his knees as well. 

“Pardon my disrespect, sir, I’m here to pick you up.” The man spoke once again, and Richardson wasn’t sure of what to make of what he was hearing right now.

“Are you sure you have the right person, Mister?” Richardson asked skeptically while taking a long look at the tattered clothes on his body, and the silky suit this man right here was in.

‘He definitely has the wrong person right now.’ Richardson thought to himself.

“I’m very certain that I do, sir.” The man responded, and Richardson instantly felt skeptical.

“Why are you here to pick me up? I didn’t do a damn thing, you probably have the wrong person.” Richardson shot out defensively, while taking a few steps backwards.

Richardson’s eyes roved around the street to check if he'd find something suspicious or unusual, but he found nothing. The street was almost empty, except for a few people going around their different businesses.

The man whose suit definitely cost thousands of dollars instantly threw his hands up in surrender while taking a step closer to Richardson. 

“We knew you didn’t do a thing wrong, and I’m very certain that you’re the person I was sent to pick up.” 

Richardson took another step backwards while still feeling very skeptical.

Was he supposed to just get into the man’s car without questions? Who the hell does that?

“I’m sorry I didn’t come earlier, sir, which made you spend the night here in a cell, please pardon my inadequacy.” 

The man spoke after a moment while bowing his head again, and that was when Richardson knew who was behind his sudden release from the prison. 

But, why would the man do that for someone like me? What use could I ever be to him, for him to get me out of prison this morning? Richardson silently asked himself.

“Thank you for getting me out of prison,” Richardson said after a few moments, feeling honestly grateful for that.

“It’s not a problem, sir.”

“But, why did you get me out though?” Richardson asked.

The man clasped his hands together, and Richardson noticed the gleaming Rolex on the man’s wrist, as he spoke. “I’m afraid I can’t disclose the reason just yet, sir.” 

“Who sent you to pick me up then?” Richardson asked again.

“I can’t disclose any actual information, sir, and I’m deeply sorry about that. If you’d just come with me, all your questions would be answered.” The man responded.

Richardson shook his head and took another step backwards. “I can’t come with you because I don’t know you.” 

“And, no offense but I do not trust you… Thank you for getting me out of the prison though, I really do appreciate it.” 

“I do understand your skepticism, sir, and I know you do have a lot of questions.” The man spoke, and Richardson gave a sharp nod of his head.

“If you want to get answers to all the questions you have right now, there’s someone who can help you with that.”

“Who’s that?”

“A Chief head executive. He’d tell you everything you wish to know, and I’m certain all your questions would be answered by the time you’re done with him.” The man continued.

Richardson kept nodding his head even though he was already silently thinking of ways to escape from this man’s attention and go on his own way. He had a lot of problems at the moment and hated that his time was being wasted here.

“Where is he? I want to go to him.” Richardson asked and the man pointed down the street.

“He’s somewhere over there, in a car. You can ask him whatever you want and he'll answer all of it.” The man continued.

Richardson nodded his head slowly. “Thank you, I’ll go to him right now. Thank you for getting me out of prison once again.”

And then he slowly started walking in the direction the man had pointed him to. 

Richardson wasn’t dumb. They probably thought he was, thinking he was really going to go meet an unknown person for some answers.

With the look of things, Richardson was sure that man was a bad person. Perhaps a kidnapper or a human trafficker, and that thought made Richardson hasten his steps.

The man was probably going to drive him to where he’d be killed and all his organs would be removed, had he agreed to get into the man’s car. Richardson thought to himself in disgust.

He was planning on heading home, when he felt different pairs of strong hands on him, holding him tightly when he vigorously struggled to get out of their hold. 

He had probably missed the sounds of their footsteps while he was deep in thoughts, he thought to himself as he got dragged towards a car.

Richardson tried to free himself to no avail, the men were very strong. They got him into the back seat of a luxurious looking car, and one of them bowed to him while speaking.

“I’m sorry, young master. I have to take you back today.”

Richardson couldn’t make sense of that, nor could he make sense of why he was being taken against his will. His heart was racing, he was convinced he was being driven to his ultimate doom.

Richardson grew rigid with shock when the car finally slowed down, as the gates of an impossibly huge estate got opened for it. 

And as the car drove into the estate, so did Richardson’s shock and confusion intensified. Richardson didn’t know what to think, or what to make of this particular situation.

He alighted the car when the door got pulled open, and one thing he definitely hadn’t expected, was for everyone to keep blowing down to him in respect as he walked past them. 

The compound of where he was being led through, was impossible huge, with ridiculously high walls. The flooring of the entire place was done with gleaming marbles, and the part which he was being walked through, had the finest looking tiles he has ever seen.

There was a large waterfall located in the middle of the large expanse of space, and flowers were brown in different spots of the compound. A few marble statues stood tall and proud in different spots as well.

From what Richardson had seen so far, he was convinced that the owner of all of these was impossibly rich, which made more sense for him to be an organ trafficker.

Richardson began to feel immensely scared once again, as he got led into a tall, heavily decorated room, whose chandeliers and walls lights almost blinded him. 

A man walked out from a door which Richardson hadn’t noticed before, with his hand spread out. He looked matured enough to be in his late seventies, and the luxurious suit he had on, made Richardson feel more out of place. 

“Finally. Welcome home, my grandson.” The man said after he stopped a few feet away from Richardson.

Richardson froze up in shock, and then he blinked slowly while racking his brains. The man’s words kept echoing around in his head, but it made zero sense to him.

“‘Grandson’? My grandfather died years ago!” 

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