All Chapters of My Wonder System : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 chapters
Common Grade Foxes
 Arnold wasn't looking good at all, his eyes were looking dead as usual, his hair was all messed up with stains all over his blue shirt and he looked paler than the last time Frank saw him.   'How Come he's like this? it's only been a few hours since we came back from that battle.' Frank thought unaware that he had been out throughout the time they returned yesterday and had just woken up this morning.   "Hey Arnold," Frank said as he stepped closer to him.   "Hi, Frank." He said with a forced smile and change continued to pull the bag along with him.   "Hey wait, where are you heading to?"   "To dispose of the refuse." He stopped before saying that.   "Which soldier sent you to dispose of the refuse alone?"   "It wasn't a soldier," Arnold said, shaking his head.   "Then who?" Frank asked.  
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[ Speed points: 5/50 ]   Frank came to a halt as he saw his speed points drop to a low number, there was no need to worry as he needed to just walk a few meters to get to the camp now.   [ Superspeed deactivated ]   'This ability is a real lifesaver.' He thought as he looked ahead.   [ Stats ]   [ Strength: 5 ]   [ Endurance: 4 ]   [ Dexterity: 9 ]   'I had gotten two points in dexterity after killing four of those foxes, foxes are known for being quick and agile, and killing them had given me stat points in dexterity.'   Frank had just figured out how he got stat points, his stat points allocation worked, it was based on the physical properties of the beast, he had gotten one point in strength after killing a bear which was known for strength, and for the foxes, he had gotten stat points in dexte
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Outrunning The Horde
 The people kept moving without looking back but Frank was lingering at the back of the whole group as he would constantly look back at the soldiers who were now dealing with beast hawks' situation.   'Hawks, and there are six of them.' Frank thought as he finally came to a halt leaving the rest of the people to carry on moving.   The rest of the people had continued moving but two people had noticed his absence and had immediately came back once they couldn't find him.   "Why did you stop?" Christiana asked as she approached him.   "Yeah, do you want to die?" Carl asked.   Frank shook his head as he kept his gaze on the fight which was taking place ahead.   All the soldiers were off the ground now and were doing their best to shoot down the hawks, so far none of the Hawks was down and the horde of beasts was getting closer.   "Down!
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MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS IF YOU ARE READING M.A.S. The war between the humans and Demons had ended and the world had returned to a normal state with no threat, everyone had lost their abilities during the last battle except the wonder warriors. The Wonder Warriors were no longer living in a secret place and had their empire in Tron Ville. The new queen told them to use their abilities for good but someone didn't agree with her suggestion. He believed that since they were the last ability users on earth they should rule the world and make others bow before them, he said this forgetting that there was still someone who could end-all of their lives in a heartbeat. The queen rebuked him for his statement but he didn't back down as he took a dark route to achieve his goals. Possessed by evil dark magic he tried to put his plan in progress but he was stopped just in time by the Wonder Warriors and locked away with magic. Months turned into years and years turned into centuries, and a new
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Speed Of A Mutated Cheetah
Frank knew the type of danger they were in, with the type of speed the cheetah had showcased he knew their chance of getting out of here alive was very low. Despite seeing one of their comrades get turned into a blood meal, the soldiers tried to keep their composure. "Grenade!!" Devon screamed. Sergeant Glik pulled out a grenade and was about to uncork it when he got pushed back with great force. He hadn't even seen the cheetah move none of them had seen it move but it had knocked the Sergeant back like it knew what it was about to do. "Come on Frank we have to get out here." Christiana was really starting to freak out. "Yeah man, if that thing kills all of them it will come for us," Carl said. Despite everything they had just the teenager didn't move as he kept his gaze on the scene playing out in front of him. Sergeant Glik felt a rush of wind on his face as he tried to get up from the floor and then he saw a large shadow cast over him, he didn't look up because he already kne
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Tron Ville's Capital
Christiana and Carl didn't walk any further as they kept standing at the same spot until Frank and the remaining soldiers caught up to them."What happened?" Christiana asked as she couldn't keep her eyes off Frank's dirty clothes."Your friend just saved our lives, that's what happened," Roger said."You killed the cheetah?" Carl said with a surprised tone as his gaze turned to his best friend."I know it sounds unbelievable but we have to get going, the people may run into trouble and they have no soldiers with them," Devon said.The topic of Frank killing the cheetah was put aside as the four remaining soldiers alongside the teenagers increased their pace in order not to lose sight of the people.They kept walking until one of the men among the people spotted them from afar and informed the others to stop and wait for them."Frank." Jessica couldn't believe what she was seeing.She thought her son was with them all this while not knowing that he wasn't and the dirt on his body was
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A Whole New Environment
When Frank saw the gate and large walls he never expected what he was seeing now, what he expected to see was a little place with few buildings where they would be staying but what he was seeing now was a very big city, a city six times larger than Marble town.Well-built roads ran across the streets with large storey building apartments lined up on both sides a little closer to the walls, then there were other taller buildings deep in the city and then the tallest building was the farthest from them."What is this place?" Christiana asked with an amazed tone as she stopped beside Frank."That's the Citon we have always been told about," Frank said."Alright everyone quickly move in so that these gates can be shut," Devon said.Everyone did as they were told as Frank helped his limping mother to enter the city as fast as possible, after everyone had gotten inside the vans were driven in and the gates were automatically shut.Everyone quickly turned at the sound of a roaring engine as
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Early Morning Call
The night sky shone as bright as ever as numerous stars filled it up, it was quite a nice view if you were closer and the three friends could say the same as they watched from the porch Christiana had discovered earlier today."It's really nice to be away from all the beasts and commotion for a while," Carl said.He was standing between Frank and Christiana while holding the metal bars in front of the porch."Yeah, but we all know this is temporary," Frank said."What do you mean?" Christiana asked as she turned her gaze to Frank."Those beasts are still out there occupying our continent, one day we will have to fight back," Frank said."Yeah but you know Tron Ville can't do that alone even with the help of all the underaged kids here," Christiana said."I don't think Tron Ville is the only continent affected by this apocalypse," Frank said."What makes you so sure of that?" Christiana said."Can't you see it? Since the apocalypse started, even the good continent we share boundaries h
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Military Academy
Frank had taken a good look at the general yesterday and seeing him now still in the same uniform didn't make identifying him any hard for him.The general stepped forward and Glik moved back to stand behind him."Welcome the young people of Tron Ville." The general said. "You were all called here this morning because of the threat that still lurks around our walls."Up till today no one knows the cause of all these beast rampages or where they came from but Phoenix is trying their best to get to the bottom of it and so are we."The beast rampage started about three weeks ago and since then the military of Tron Ville had been doing their best to make sure that we saved as many lives as possible.""No, you weren't!" A man screamed from the second line which was close to Frank's line. "If you had really tried your best to save as many lives as possible then our children, my child wouldn't have been sent out to fight beasts."The man sounded like he was about to break down in tears now.
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Military Test (01)
"Well, that was a second slower than the last time I did this." Lieutenant Kate said as she walked back to the kids. "A second slower?" One of the students said as she couldn't imagine how someone could finish the obstacle course faster. "So who would like to go first?" Kate asked, looking at the different faces of her students who numbered up to sixty. A boy eventually raised his hand and was immediately asked to come up by Kate. "What's your name?" Kate asked. "It's Kyle." The boy said with a timid look. "Ok, let's see how you do Kyle." Kyle stepped up to the starting place and immediately after he was given the signal to start, he took off. Maneuvering the rocks was a little tricky for him as it was taking him time to move from one rock to the other. By the time he had gotten to the platform he was already panting but he kept running to get a good time record. He really should have waited to catch his breath a little because immediately he jumped and grabbed the rope, he lo
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