All Chapters of The Power of God's Cube System : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
166 chapters
Chapter 11 - Thrown Into a Strange Dimension
"Argh, my head!" I groaned in pain as I tried to remember the cube. I know which cube they're referring to, but suddenly I'm having difficulty remembering. My head hurts like it was hit by something hard. What exactly happened to me? "Answer me quickly!" "I'm trying to remember that!" said Riko, panicky. "So it's true that you have stolen the cube!" "No! No! Trust me! I don't know anything about God's Cube!" Riko looked at all the creatures around him seriously. He felt cornered to trembling because many half-animal humans of various species surrounded him and looked like they wanted to tear him to pieces. The pleasure was instantly gone. Riko didn't know whether to be happy or scared. Honestly, he was glad that his opinion had been proven right. However, on the other hand, he was afraid because the mythological creature was not friendly. "If you still don't want to confess, we will kill you!" They compactly took out fireballs from their hands and mouths and were about to att
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Chapter 12 - Dark Past
(Flashback on) "Take the cube away from here before Draco snatches it from our hands. If Draco manages to retrieve this cube, our nation will be in grave danger. Don't let a creature from another dimension find it because it would be disastrous if it fell on the wrong person like Draco." Morwen, King of Pyloruf, hands the heirloom to a man and woman wearing masks. "Alright, Your Majesty." Robert, the spider demon, received the Cubes. There are eight spider legs on the man's back to help him make webs and walk on walls. "Get as far away as possible before Draco finds you! Hide in the world… argh!" Morwen immediately fell to the ground clutching his aching chest. The bearded man coughed up blood. "Your Majesty!" Dawney reflexively caught Morwen's body as he fell. "Are you okay?" "Don't mind me! Hurry up and go! We only have a little time left! Draco will be here soon! If I can't stop Draco, you guys will have to make it to that dimension! Understand?!" "But we can't just leave you
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Chapter 13 - Cube?
POV RIKOReyna sighed while she turned her head away from me. She seemed hard to answer. I know my question will open up her old wounds again. Moreover, this dark past made Reyna feel broken when she lost her big sister forever."It's fine if you don't want to tell me. I won't force you." I smiled a little, noticing Reyna's sadness.Reyne looked at me sadly. "My big sister—"TOK! TOK! TOK!“REYNA! OPEN THE DOOR! KING DRACO WANTS TO MEET THAT YOUTH!”"Draco? Shit!" Reyna widened in shock.I immediately trembled with fear when I heard Draco's name. Just hearing Reyna's story, I was already terrified. Especially if I have to face Draco directly, a creature is cruel. That man would definitely not hesitate to kill me or let me escape.“You must immediately flee from this country. Hurry up," Reyna whispered. "Don't let Draco catch you.""But where should I flee?""Whatever you. Anyway, far away from this country!”"But—"“Hurry up, before it's too late!”I have no other choice. The choice i
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Chapter 14 - Disappear
Jorah chuckled. "Why do you look sad? Are you having a problem?"Riko smiled slightly as he shook his head slowly. "No. I'm fine."Jorah approached Riko and tapped him on the shoulder. "Don't lie. Even though I'm old, I still have instincts. Tell me, what's your problem?"Riko had forgotten that he had a proper brainstorming place. He and the old geezer had the same goal."I had a strange incident that I can't understand.""Come with me to the house. I'll serve you some iced tea to keep you cold.""Cold? It's summer now.""But your brain and heart are hot."Riko was surprised. He was always amazed by Jorah's words, who seemed to know everything. "What do you mean?""Don't talk too much. Besides, you still need to pay your debt. Therefore, in exchange, you should tell me about your problems.""Really?" Riko smiled happily. "You are so kind, Jorah!" Even though he has always had bad luck since the death of his person, he is still grateful to have a friend who always treats him like a gr
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Chapter 15 - Looking for Clues
"Actually, where did Professor William go? Why did he suddenly disappear without a trace? Was he kidnapped?" Riko muttered all the way home. This incident was a real blow to the young man. Because he just wanted to ask about the incident when he was lost for a week in the forest."Could it be ..." Riko's eyes widened perfectly. "Professor William was killed by a mythological creature?""But is that even possible?" Riko hesitated a little. "Because Professor William doesn't trust that mythological creature at all. Besides, what's the reason for that creature bothering him?"Riko growled angrily. "Shit! I have to go find Professor William! I have to make sure of that myself. I won't let anyone else get hurt by that creature." Riko clenched her fists tightly, and his anger was burning. ***"Why did you come here?" Jorah sat in a rocking chair while reading a book."I need your help." Riko approached the old man."My help?" Jorah glanced at Riko, then took off his glasses. Riko's
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Chapter 16 - Foreign Blood
"What are you doing here?"Riko was shocked and then dropped the photo frame.Rudolf glared at Riko angrily. "How dare you enter this house!""I just—""That means you are the culprit!" Rudolf pointed the gun at Riko."No!""Raise your hand! Hurry up!" Rudolf shouted loudly."No! I'm not the culprit! I came here because I want to help find Professor William!" Riko explained frantically."You don't dodge anymore! You must have come here because you want to erase the traces of your crimes! Otherwise, why are you dressed all in black and wearing gloves?!" Rudolf pointed at Riko.'Shit!' Riko cursed at his bad luck today."Quickly raise your hand before I shoot you!""I don't want to because I'm not the culprit!" Riko insisted. If he raised his hand and turned himself in, that would justify all the accusations that the fierce-looking man had made.DOR!Rudolf shoot into the air, causing Riko to cover his ears."Do you still dare to oppose, me, huh?!" Rudolf screamed in rage. He had
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Chapter 17 - The Truth
"Why are you silent?" Captain William asked in surprise.Riko stared at the girl in surprise.Valerie sighed. "That is spider blood.""What?!" Riko exclaimed in shock. Instantly, the dark events of the past flashed through his mind. "That means that the one who killed Professor William is the same creature that killed my parents!" Riko was angry while clenching her fists tightly."Dad, can you expel this insane man from your office?" Valerie glared at Riko sharply."Captain! Please allow me to investigate this case! That way, I will know the spider man who killed Professor William and my parents!""Spider Men don't exist, Idiot! Don't be delirious!" Valerie is sick of seeing Riko's crazy behavior. His head wanted to explode hearing the chattering absurdity of the young man."Sorry, Riko. Valerie is right. It's possible that the spider's blood was an animal that happened to be present at the incident. After all, Mr. William wasn't necessarily killed or kidnapped." Captain Calvin repri
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Chapter 18 - Attack
"What is it? Tell me quickly!" Riko's curiosity exploded."Your father is—"Suddenly Captain Calvin's cell phone rang loudly, cutting off his words. He checked the incoming call; it was from his daughter, Valerie.Captain Calvin picked up the call. "What's going on?"Riko secretly eavesdrops on Captain Calvin and Valerie's conversation, but nothing is heard."Okay, I'll be right there." Captain Calvin hung up the phone hastily. "I have to go. I'm sorry!" The man rushes out."Hei! You have not yet answered me!" Riko chases after Captain Calvin. He also panicked. "What's wrong?""I can't explain, but it certainly has nothing to do with Mr. William."Riko stopped and watched the man leave worriedly."Exactly what happened? Why does Captain Calvin look worried?" ***After returning from campus, Riko immediately visited Jorah's house. He wanted to show him the evidence Captain Calvin had given him. Riko is sure that Jorah will be surprised and happy.However, when he got there, the house
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Chapter 19 - Mysterious Attack
Now night has come."What exactly is your plan? Please tell me." Riko sits in front of Captain Calvin in his study."I deliberately invited you to stay at my house to fish for the creature," explained the man."What do you mean? I don't understand." Riko frowned in confusion.Captain Calvin leaned over to Riko and whispered, "I suspect the creature hates me."Riko was popeyed. "What do you mean? How did you know?" He didn't expect Captain Calvin to know much about the creature."Do you know why my wife doesn't agree with you staying at my house?"Riko shook his head, looking at Captain Calvin intently."Because that creature attacked your wife when I was on duty."Riko was stunned. "Are you kidding me?! So Veronika already knows about the creature?"Captain Calvin nodded, then leaned back in the chair with a deep sigh. "Because of that, he doesn't like you around me. She thinks you are a source of disaster."Now, Riko knows why Valerie hates him. "Does your daughter also hate me for t
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Chapter 20 - Revealed
BRUK!"Argh!""Oh, my!" Riko exclaimed in shock as his fist hit Valerie's jaw, causing her to fall to the floor. She groaned in pain as she held his cheek."Are you okay?! I'm sorry!" Riko rushed to help Valerie stand up, but the girl immediately pushed Riko roughly so that he sat down."Don't touch me, Idiot!" Valerie snapped angrily."I'm sorry. I didn't mean to punch you. I thought you were that creature, so I intended to beat the creatures up." Riko explained it haltingly.Valerie immediately stood up and put her hands on her hips. "Can you be a bit sane, huh?! I'm sick of hearing your nonsense! If my father didn't care about you, I would have kicked you out of my house!" Valerie's screams of rage boomed through the house and invited the servants, Captain Calvin and Veronika, out of their room."What happened? Why are you guys fighting?" Captain Calvin asked in surprise."Riko punched me until my lips bleed, Dad!" Valerie complained to her father, hoping the man would kick Riko ou
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