The Power of God's Cube System
The Power of God's Cube System
Author: Mysterious Human
Chapter 1 - The Opinion

"Thousands of years ago, mythological creatures lived and existed, but became extinct due to changes in the world's climate."

Riko, an Archeology student, explained at length everything in his brain in front of hundreds of his faculty friends who were focused on listening to his explanation. The bespectacled young man stood confidently on the seminar stage.

"Mythological creatures are real?! Are you crazy?!" Laughter suddenly boomed in the room.

Riko was nervous and embarrassed when they laughed at him. Not infrequently, Riko is considered stupid for proving that mythological creatures are real.

Professor William chuckled while taking the microphone from Riko's hand. He patted his student's shoulder to encourage him. "I know you like fictional stories that adhere to a fantasy world background. But, believe me, Riko... The creatures you talked about couldn't exist in the real world."

"But, Prof—"

"That's enough. Sit back..."

Again, Riko had to swallow disappointment.

"A-alright, Professor." Riko returned to his seat while looking down in embarrassment.

"Huuuuu!" Everyone in the room cheered mockingly.

Heart Riko's is hurt by all their ridicule and abuse towards him for the past two years. However, Riko can neither move nor take revenge. Because he does not have the power to fight his friends.

There are many of them while Riko is alone. That was the reason the young man never dared to fight back. As a result of the opinions going against logic, Riko is always shunned by people on campus, so he doesn't have any friends.

Riko walked towards the seat with his head down. Only some people agree with Riko's opinion.

After sitting on chairs, all seminar participants immediately threw thousands of paper balls at Riko.

"You idiot! Do you still intend to fool us, huh?!"

"Even a child knows that mythological creatures like you say aren't real. It's just the author's imagination!"

"You better go home and sleep! Your presence only makes everyone on campus uneasy!"

"Stop! Don't bully Riko! Do you all want to be expelled from campus?!"

The room was momentarily silent.

"Tomorrow, we will go to historical places. I hope you guys prepare yourselves!"


 The next day.

It has become routine for Riko to visit the old market selling old used books weekly. The market is in a remote village, far from the hustle and bustle of America.

Since childhood, Riko has been very fond of collecting old books. He considers these books a guide that will lead him to a world where mythological creatures live.

Riko firmly believes that this strange creature is not just a joke. As he experienced.

"Jorah. How are you?" Riko smiled kindly at a oldman with long white hair and a beard. He was hunchbacked, so he had to use a cane to walk.

"Finally! You're coming here again!" Jorah grinned widely.

 "Did you discover anything new?"

"Of course. This time you will soon meet them. Wait a minute." Jorah approached the bookcase and then took a large folded piece of paper.

Riko furrowed while watching Jorah. "What's that?"

Jorah sat in a rickety chair and spread out a map made of animal skin.

Riko was shocked.

"I found this map in the forest you will visit later."

Riko was stunned. "How did you know I was going on tour?"

"You will always come here if you go to strange places."

Riko was stupefied.

"You want to buy it?" Jorah offered.

"Wait. Before I pay, I want to ask you one thing. Please answer honestly." Riko stared at Jorah intensely.

Jorah was silent for a moment.

"To be honest, I've actually wanted to ask, but I'm afraid you'll be offended."

"What's is that?"

Riko cleared his throat, trying to compose the right words, before saying, "How can you explore the forest alone? Even though you had a hard time walking."

Jorah chuckled. "Age is just a number. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to prove my opinion is right. My dream is only one. I want to see my friends lick their own spit. Just like you." Jorah smiled meaningfully.

Riko was shocked. "So all of your friends are still alive?"

Jorah shook his head with a chuckle a little bit. "Of course not. I am over 101 years old."

"So, why are you still vigorous? Isn't that a waste?"

"You are my reflection. I want you to fulfill my dream to prove to humans, namely your friends, that what you say is not nonsense. That's enough! I'm too lazy to argue with young people like you. Pay for my discovery at a high price, understand? Do not owe again."

Riko grinned widely. "I promise I won't ask anything that could offend you, but please… compensate for me. I beg you… because my money is gone."

 "No! I also need to eat to survive!"

"Come on! You are the only person I consider family."

"Then where are your parents?"

Riko was silent, radiating a look of sadness in his green eyes. "My parents died long ago." Riko holds back the wound in his heart, so it doesn't tear again.

"Because of what?"

"They died from spider bites."

"Spider?" Jorah laughed, making Riko glance at him in annoyance.

 "Why are you laughing?"

"Are your parents so poor they can't afford insecticide?"

"That's no ordinary wound! But the wound is big and deep! There can't be a spider that big in the world because I saw it that night. He was huge and terrible."

Jorah is silent. "Why are you so sure that this creature is the culprit?" He asked like he was interrogating.

Riko took a deep breath as he recalled the tragic events he had buried deep inside. Even though the incident had occurred dozens of years ago when he was five years old, the wound still lingers.

"At that time, I accidentally heard the hysterical screams of my father and mother at midnight. After I checked into the room, I saw someone coming through the window while crawling on the wall. After I checked, I saw two quite large and deep wounds. That is a strong reason for me to accuse that bastard of being the mastermind behind my parents' death."

"So you're just obsessed with revenge?"

"Exactly! I have vowed to avenge my heartache! Because of him, I live in a pool of suffering because I'm left alone!" Riko stared at Jorah, full of hatred. "And, one more thing... I want to get rid of the opinion of my college friends who think I'm stupid. Especially Edward."

Jorah was silent. His blue eyes were filled with disappointment and worry. 

"He's so smart," Jorah muttered.

"What do you mean, Jorah?"

Jorah shook his head quickly. "Nothing. You better go fast. I want to close my stall because I'm heating water for a bath!"

"I'll take this, okay! Thank you!" Riko snatched the map and ran outside.

"Hey! Get back!" Jorah shouted in annoyance, but then he smiled mysteriously.

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