All Chapters of I Got Reincarnated As A Dragon : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
96 chapters
Chapter 1: Gunshot
The sun-kissed afternoon illuminated the bustling city streets, teeming with life and activity. Amidst the throngs of people, a young man with jet-black hair and a modest build donned the corporate garb of his office. Walking down the bustling walkway, the sweet melody of his music was the only sound he heard, muffled by the earbuds in his ears. Suddenly, a figure in black, burst onto the street, pursued by uniformed officers. The police shouted, "Stop in the name of the law!" as their voices echoed through the crowds.The masked fugitive sneered beneath his disguise, knowing that no one in their right mind would heed their demands. He had chosen this pedestrian-only zone precisely because the police were prohibited from using their weapons. The panicked screams of the crowds filled the air as the criminal pushed his way through, shouting, "Get out of the way!" at the top of his lungs. As the criminal neared the oblivious Elvis, both the fugitive and concerned bystanders tried to
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Chapter 2: Birth of a dragon
'It's dark'....As the darkness descended upon him, Elvis was overcome with a sense of unease. His body was confined within a liquid space that seemed to stretch on endlessly. Pushing and pulling with all his might, he struggled against the boundaries of his prison, desperately trying to break free. Suddenly, he heard a loud crack and saw a sliver of light. Renewing his efforts, he pushed with all his might, driven by the hope of escape.With one final heave, the eggshell cracked open and Elvis tumbled out into a world that was strange and unfamiliar. He surveyed his surroundings, taking in the light blue cave that surrounded him. The space was vast, easily accommodating a private plane, but it was empty save for a towering nest and a few scurrying insects.Confused, Elvis looked around the dimly lit cave, trying to make sense of his surroundings. "Wait, didn't I die?" As his memories slowly began to return, he realized with a start that he was no longer human. He panicked, letting
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Chapter 3: One eye horn fish
As Elvis traversed the mountain pass, he took the time to comprehend the workings of the system and his own unique abilities.[Name: ...(Elvis)] [Race: Dragon][Abilities: Fire, Devourer, Regeneration][Skills:~~] [Resistance: Cold Immunity, Pain Resistance, Fire Resistance]As the young dragon, Elvis, stood at the edge of a sparkling lake in a lower cave, he was overwhelmed with confusion. Despite being a fire dragon, he was not immune to the flames of his own kind, but possessed immunity to the cold. He wondered, "Why don't I have fire immunity?" The system simply replied, [Host has not triggered the evolution of the fire resistance], leaving Elvis to ponder the mysteries of this new world he inhabited.He was, however, aware of his devourer ability. He possessed the power to consume anything magical or non-magical that he could slay and eat. Regeneration, too, was an obvious ability, and so he set his sights on crossing the lake that lay before him, in order to continue his journe
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Chapter 4: For humanity!
Elvis faced a three-headed Medusa serpent, a creature that sent shivers down even the most formidable of warriors. Its slimy scales shimmered in the dim light, its eyes glinting with a predatory intelligence. Its three heads swayed ominously as it sized up its opponent, clearly spoiling for a fight.The young dragon, Elvis, sprang into action with lightning reflexes, unsheathing his "Water Blade" to strike preemptively against the three-headed Medusa serpent. With a deft flick of his wrist, he severed the middle head, leaving only the two remaining on either side. The creature hissed in fury, its remaining heads lunging forward in a desperate attempt to claim revenge.Undaunted, Elvis sprang into action, his movements fluid and graceful. With each blow, he danced around the serpent, darting in and out of range, using his water-based attacks to keep the beast off-balance. But the serpent was no pushover. It lashed out with razor-sharp fangs, its breath hot and fetid as it snapped at the
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Chapter 5: First hunt
As the sun rose, its rays filtering into the cavern where the dragon slumbered, Elvis stirred from his slumber. With a yawn and a stretch, he emerged from his lair, his rumbling stomach a reminder of his hunger."It is time to hunt," he declared, his keen eyes scanning the surrounding forest for any potential prey.With purposeful steps, he ventured deeper into the woodland, eventually coming upon a lone wolf, twice his size, feasting on a fresh kill.Determined, Elvis crouched low, stealthily making his way towards the beast, concealing himself among the brush. The only sound that betrayed his presence was the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot.Suddenly, the wolf raised its head, sniffing the air and growling fiercely in Elvis' direction."F@ck," Elvis cursed, his thoughts interrupted as he was discovered by the wolf, who was renowned for its hunting prowess. The predator pounced, pushing him to the ground and snapping its massive jaws towards him. Elvis nimbly dodged the attack a
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Chapter 6: Dryad, forest guardian.
As dawn broke, the fifty brave knights and adventurers embarked on their mission, each handpicked for their unique skills and experience.They were divided into smaller groups, with some mounted on horses, while others trudged through the forest on foot.As night fell, they settled in a secure location within the forest and made camp. A warm fire was kindled, casting an inviting glow in the dark of night.Two figures stood amidst the flicker of the campfire, deep in conversation beside the campfire added a touch of intrigue to the stillness of the forest. The pot-bellied man, with a carefree grin on his face, took a swig from his mug and chuckled. "You know what? I think we're overthinking this. We don't need so many men to take down a single monster. A team of four top-ranked adventurers would suffice."The knight, ever the voice of reason, replied with a stern gaze, "I'd watch your tongue if I were you. Such words could get you into trouble if overheard. Trust me, the consequences
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Chapter 7: Goodluck charm
As the sun rose on the verdant forest, Dryad emerged from her tree body, her ethereal form shimmering in the morning light. She approached Elvis, who lay sleeping in a bed of soft leaves, and gently roused him with a tap."Good morning, little dragon," she said, her voice as warm and comforting as a summer breeze.Elvis rubbed his eyes, then sat up and looked at her. "Good morning," he said, his voice still heavy with sleep.Dryad gazed at him for a moment, as if she wanted to say something. But before she could speak, Elvis took a deep breath and looked into her green eyes."I thought about what you told me yesterday," he said, his voice resolute. "I want to go out and explore the world, to see if the legend is true."Dryad smiled, proud of the young dragon's growing sense of adventure. "You've grown since I first met you," she said. "You're not a little dragon anymore."But even as she spoke, Elvis' face clouded over. "I want you to come with me," he said, his eyes beseeching.Dryad
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Chapter 8: Dryad vs Holy knight
Amidst the chaos, fear and desperation were palpable amongst the surviving humans. Panic was on the brink of setting in, when a voice of bravery shattered the silence."I am a holy knight, in service to one of the human kings. Reveal yourself!" The holy knight stepped forward with unwavering conviction, not only eager to lay eyes on the one behind the attack but also hoping to provide reassurance to those around him.The mysterious entity, Dryad, remained hidden, but her voice echoed through the forest. "Is this the decree of the entire human empire or just a decision of the northern region's king?""Let's just say it's the northern region's decision, made for the greater good of humanity," replied the leader of the adventurers.The holy knight swiftly cut in, "That's enough. We do not owe any explanations to the enemy, especially not to this one.""Now show yourself, or we will continue to destroy this forest until we are done with our goal," said the holy knight.Dryad didn't respon
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Chapter 9: Journey to the west
Elvis soared through the sky, the wind whistling past his scales as he flew toward the western horizon. But despite the thrill of flight, a strange feeling crept over him, a melancholy he couldn't shake. Unbeknownst to him, tears trickled down to his snout.Shaking himself from his daze, Elvis refocused on his journey, pushing himself further and further into the endless expanse of the sky. But even the excitement of flight could not keep his exhaustion at bay, and after hours of soaring, the young dragon began to search for a place to rest for the night."System," he called out, his voice ringing through the empty air. "How much further until my destination?"The reply came swiftly, a cold, clinical voice echoing through his mind. [Estimated time of arrival is twelve hours, assuming no breaks are taken.]Elvis snorted in frustration. "I'll take a break when I damn well please," he muttered, and with that, he spiraled downward toward a cavern he had spotted in the distance.As he enter
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Chapter 10: Saving two beauties
In the murky darkness of the night, two guards stood vigil outside a forbidding cave. After exchanging a nod, the guards turned to each other with smirks on their faces. "They've all fallen asleep; we can kill them easily now," one whispered to the other, who grinned in approval. "Indeed," the latter responded, "and I have collected their weapons. It's fortuitous that we stumbled upon this cave.""Agreed. It's time we acted before it's too late," the first guard declared, drawing a handkerchief from his pocket. His accomplice unsheathed a menacing blade, and together they crept into the cavernous depths. Silently, they approached a sleeping guard, and the one with the handkerchief swiftly clamped it over his mouth to stifle any cries. Meanwhile, the other plunged his knife repeatedly into the man's throat until he lay still. They repeated this ghastly process on another unsuspecting guard, never once alerting the others.As they finally arrived at the inner cave where the princess
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