All Chapters of Daggers of Love: Chapter 21 - Chapter 24
24 chapters
Angelica's Jealousy
Writer’s PerspectiveDuring the lecture at school, Peter sat at his usual spot with Amy, though his mind was preoccupied with troubles from his apartment. Sandra, Alex's girlfriend, had been making unwarranted advances towards him, and he was unsure how to handle the situation. Despite his attempts to dissuade her, she persisted.He grappled with the decision of whether to report the issue to Alex, considering passionate sounds he heard every night, Alex seems to be doing a great job. He knew for a fact that Alex loved this girl, and he was afraid he would break his heart. The dilemma weighed on him, interrupting his focus during the lecture. Amy noticed his distraction and nudged him gently, jerking him out of his thoughts."Hey, you okay?" she inquired, observing his troubled expression. "You've been unusually silent since you got here.""Yeah, sorry. Just have things going on in my mind," Peter replied. "I'm fine, though.""Come on, what is it? You know you can tell me anything tr
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The Study Night
Writer’s PerspectiveAngelica returned to her apartment and joined her friends. Sophie immediately inquired, "Hey girl, so what did he say?"“I had to come up with that idea so I can get him here” Sophie explained that she had concocted the idea so to gain more insight into his relationship with Amy."That won't be necessary. He's having a study night at her place, so I invited myself to join them," Angelica replied."Study night? And you're going?" Ella asked curiously. Angelica nodded in affirmation, explaining, "When I heard about the study night, I couldn't leave them alone together. Besides, I haven't studied much for the exam and could really use some help."Bella chimed in, expressing her need for study help as well. Angelica reassured her, "Don't worry, girl. Let's see how tonight goes, then I'll have him here, okay?"Sophie interjected, “You know, all these wouldn’t be a problem if you had just told him to stop seeing her. Now you’ll be spending the night at your competition’
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The Exams
Peter’s PerspectiveSeveral days later, we commenced our examinations. True to my expectations, the papers posed no significant challenge, given the thorough preparation I had undertaken. The questions were within my familiar territory.Today marked the conclusion of the first four papers, and I am confident in the accuracy of my responses. The questions, to me at least, were straightforward. Amy, my study partner, and I consistently found ourselves among the first to exit the examination hall.I am optimistic about Angelica's performance as well, considering that many of the questions aligned with the topics covered during our study nights. Following our productive study session at Amy’s apartment, Angelica invited me to hers to tackle some more topics.I was expecting her friends to join us during the session, but only one of her friends, Bella, was the only one that joined. The other two were either sleeping in their room or spending the night elsewhere.Well, I don’t blame them, r
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Naughty Girlfriend
Peter’s PerspectiveOne day, Alex approached me, apologizing for the noise they had been making at night. "It's just that when she's in the mood, she can be very wild," he explained."Well, it appears to me you're doing great. I’d only request that you try to keep it down. I think the entire community can hear you," I replied, and he chuckled."I try to keep her voice down, but she can't seem to help herself," he confessed. I knew one of the reasons she screamed like that was to taunt me, but I wasn't about to disclose that to him."Is that the reason you've been spending nights at your girlfriend's?" he inquired."Not entirely true. It's primarily for a study session and to get out of the house and give you two some space," I replied, and that was indeed the truth."So, how are things with the two of you? You and Angelica, I mean," he inquired, and I smiled."It's been going great. She’s wonderful, and I love spending time with her," I replied."That's good. I'm happy for you. So, ha
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