Chapter Seventy-Two

"I knew that I heard some noise, so I got up early, to attack her from behind and that was how I was able to get the guns from her hands," Lincoln said lying down straight on the hospital bed.

"Ooh it's okay that was quite, well, because I don't think any of us would be able to take it if she does hurt you in any way," Benson said.

Benson knew that everything that had happened so far was a serious risk and if they hadn't been there early something bad would have happened before they were all there to stop it.

"Yes, it's true, it's good that she didn't hurt you in any way, it seems you put up quite a good fight like you have always done," Trish said smiling at Lincoln who smiled back.

They have known each other years back and have partnered before, so they kind of know each other weaknesses and strengths, so it wasn't in any way new to them all at all.

"Yes, you should trust me, I did it up a good fight with her to be able to see how tough she really is and I am
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