Ch 25. Magic Wielders

When I step into the smithy, Aslan greets me with a smile, his ponytailed beard brushing against his thick neck.

"Well done, lad. I was afraid you’d not gonna make it back. You look pale. Have you seen a ghost?"

I chuckle, and a shiver runs through my chilled body. “You could say that.”

I'm soaked to the bone, and I can barely hear myself speak because of the water in my ears.

Aslan laughs. "What happened? You didn't go after it, did you? Maybe that's where all the missing people go. After the ghost."

“I’ll go change my clothes and rest for a bit until the storm passes,” I say.

Aslan nods and pats my shoulder as I pass by him.

After gathering obsidian and Storm Clay, fearing for my life during the fight between Bree and her henchmen, fucking Bree into submission, helping Aslan with the sword, trudging through the storm, and watching a goddess masturbating, I’d say I deserve some rest.

I take off my jacket and set it aside to dry. Then I remove my tunic and pants, leaving only my sh
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