Chapter 25: Noisy Exchange!

Little Bell: I want to make a deal with you.

Beatrix Henry: Yeah?

Little Bell: I have a suggestion for the world, and I'd like to share it with you.

You speak together, which means including Beatrix Henry's suggestion.

Beatrix Henry didn't ask you how you got the hint. The two people exchanged suggestions, further strengthening their reasoning and approving recommendations to supplement the final point of completing the answer.

Beatrix Henry said, "She's got her head all over the place, and the villagers must have hidden her body."

Phedra Henry meditated, "Where is the body most likely to be hidden?"

Beatrix Henry said, "If my guess is correct, the body must be buried in the old place where the ancient coffin was dug. It was originally a good soil that sealed her, and it was also successful in burying her resentment. It was most appropriate to bury her there."

Khue's maiden name, Ha's unfortunate youth, died on the day of the sad auction in the weddin
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