There was an electric impulse coming from within the pale green light, penetrating the center of the light and spreading from its origin to the edges.

The electrical force that penetrated the center of the green light caused it to split and form a large circle of glowing electrified mist through which Minato could clearly see what was on the other side. At this point, he could no longer scream. Unlike Jason, who was right behind the wheel trying to save them, Minato's attention was more focused on the mountain ranges and the wild expanse of wasteland he could see through the portal. The sun was setting on the other side, but where they were, it was just a few minutes past 10:00.

Jason kept trying to pull on the steering wheel to distract the car and drift away from the green supernatural portal in front of them, but he noticed that they were being pulled toward the open portal by a strong force. It was so strong that it could not be resisted, even when Jason tried to slam on the brakes.

He gave up the attempt the moment the brake failed, and urged his brother to try to open the door and get out as quickly as he could, as he himself was trying to do. . .

For some reason, the wheels of the car moved at the normal speed at which they had left home, but the car moved only at the speed determined by the force pulling on their car. It pulled slowly and without haste to plunge them into the portal, which gave them a great scope for panic.

The clouds had changed around the region where the portal opened. It was dark, just like the ones they could both see through the strange green circle... .

Since they were both so curious about what the circle was, and obviously wanted to keep staring at it to learn more about it, they thought that getting out of the circle should be their priority. They had hoped to open the car doors and roll out before the car could reach the portal, but the car doors locked automatically even after Jason opened them.

"It's not open!" Minato shouted at Jason when he saw that his efforts to open it were in vain.

"I already opened it!" Jason shouted back at him.

"What's going on here?!" Shouted Minato, screaming in fear of what lay ahead of them.

"It seems that a force is holding the door back!" Roared Jason back.

They could no longer hear each other clearly as the strange wind began to swirl around them.

The sudden wind was directed at them from the portal, and they both stopped screaming in terror as their attention was fully drawn back to the electrified circle . . .

Their eyes were no longer wide open, but narrowed as they focused on the tiny figure that seemed to be slowly advancing the green electrified circle from the other side at a great distance. They wondered what it was that was moving so fast, running and leaping over mountains like a tiny stone... .

They were completely attracted to the figure and had completely given up fighting for their lives. They only hoped to catch a glimpse of what was coming before it was over for them.

Their eyebrows narrowed the closer the figure came at them with such great speed.

Their mouths stopped open when they could recognise in the figure a human being. It had assumed the full form of a man.

He, who was walking unceasingly toward them from the wilderness that had appeared in their field of vision through the portal, was dressed in a black shroud, a black, dirty, and ragged shroud that melted into a mask from the region of the neck onward, reaching from the mouth to the bridge of the nose. In his hands he held a golden staff, and his pupils were as shiny as the staff appeared to them.

The golden light from the pupil was even brighter to some degree than that reflected from the staff.

Minato glanced to the side and looked Jason in the eye as well. . .

They both glanced at each other to make sure they were both seeing correctly and still seeing correctly. They wanted to make sure neither of them was dreaming.

They both slowly looked back through the electrified circle, still open-mouthed, and both shivered when they saw the tall, old man standing in front of their car. .

Minato looked at the figure and his heartbeat stopped for a while. He could not breathe. Slowly he turned to Jason, but he had already fainted from fright. He could not try to revive him and regain consciousness because he himself was almost a breath away from paralysis. He only managed to turn his neck away from his brother and toward the old man, who was wrapped in a black shroud.

The man looked out of this world. His hair was a pile of bright white hair with no room for any other color. Minato looked after him speechlessly as he strolled to the car.

The car stood still, and all movement came to a halt the moment Minato realized he had begun to approach it. Minato himself had the feeling of being surrounded by a field that did not allow any movement. It was not long before he realized that he could not even move his fingers. From the moment he saw the old man coming toward him, he was paralyzed from his next breath. .

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, even though the car's air conditioning was working perfectly. He struggled with his own body to get it moving, but all his efforts were in vain. . .

The old man had enough time to get to the car, because Minato could not move an inch where he was, but regardless of the fact that he had enough time, he went in such a hurry.

The portal. . .

Minato looked over the old man approaching him and saw the portal close, the yellow light that seemed to be the current electrifying the green material that looked like a mist began to go out. It made sounds that sounded like flickering electricity, and the sound caught the old man's attention. He stopped and turned to see the portal close, and Minato could not help but notice how he reacted. Minato thought he was worried about running out of time for something as he stopped walking and jumped to quickly close the distance between him and the car. Minato was about to melt in his seat, but he could not move. . .

He stood in front of the car and stared at Minato. It seemed like he wanted to get to him, but had no idea how to get in. He looked to either side of the car, and the golden light in his eyes shone brighter. He raised his right hand in the air and extended a finger. . .

Minato's wide mouth spat out saliva as he watched in fear and uncertainty what was going on in his paralyzed state. His eyes, which were basically the only thing that could still move, widened as he watched the old man place a finger on the car he was standing in front of.

The moment his finger touched the car, the metallic parts that made up the car began to gradually fall off. They gradually fell off until only the seats were left. For a moment Minato wished he had fainted from shock like his own brother, but for some reason he was able to process it all. . .

It was too much of a shock for him. How could this have happened? Minato was a first-class scientist who knew all about physics and its laws of nature, but this was something he could consider paranormal, just like his dream. What the old man had just done with his finger broke every law based on science, physics or not. . .

He was exposed to the man and wondered how his life would end. He wondered if it would be quick or slow and painful, and he wondered if he would feel nothing at all. Either way, he was only minutes away from wishing he were dead instead of having to witness such an incredible event.

The man slowly turned back to the portal, which had closed into a small circle that could barely hold a melon. .

This change was definitely not what he had hoped for, and perhaps it somehow changed his original plan.

The electric hum, when it had completely died away, made him grit his teeth in disappointment. That was the least of his worries; he had to get what he came for.

He continued to Minato's place and placed a hand on him. At that moment, Minato felt an electrical impulse run through his entire body with lightning speed. It was so fast that he could not comprehend it or hold the feeling and talk about it later. The paralysis was gone. Minato raised his fingers to his face and blinked to make sure he was no longer paralyzed, and just as he made sure of that, he wished he were paralyzed so he would not feel the pain he would go through before he died.

"Please, please, I beg you," Minato pleaded the moment he looked to his shoulder and saw the man's hand clutching it.

Minato's eyes sank deep into the golden light that filled the man's pupils, and he shivered again. . .

The man pulled off his mask and his mouth was revealed, then Minato could see the wild scar that started from his chin and ran across the bridge of his nose. It clearly looked like an old scar, because it was no longer open or fresh.

"I would have killed you an hour ago if that's what I was here for . . ." He said to Minato, and his eyes widened.

He was shocked that not only could the man speak, but he spoke in English.

"Who are you?" Minato asked in awe of the man standing before him.


"Who I am does not matter, but who you are," he said to Minato, and Minato's brows drew together.

"I am Minato, and I swear I have nothing to do with you, please spare my brother and me"? Minato said and remained in silence for a while. . .

"You are not Minato, you are San'xi," he said, and Minato's brows drew together in shock.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, you must be mistaken, I am not your type, my name is Minato," Minato said and gulped, melting down in fear of the man he was talking to.

"I cannot be mistaken, your blood has drawn me to you. You are San'xi, the last carrier . . ."

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