Murder in the Alley
Murder in the Alley
Author: Yasmine Jameson

He walked into the alley to relieve himself on the way to the car.

No way was he going back to that restaurant. As he zipped his pants up, turned, and walked back to the alleyway opening, he felt a searing pain on his body. Turning, he saw a flash and stumbled backward out of the alley. A faint scream was heard by him before death claimed him.

He died before he hit the ground. Not many people were around to see him die except for the set of friends out for a walk.  Those two would and could always find trouble even if they were sleeping on a trip for vacation-and have.  Both Steve and Abdul thought their respective wife and significant other would be safe-they had just had babies.  What could happen when out for a walk with their daughters?

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