Chapter 139 - Volume 1 Epilogue - Sir Owari Ryutarou

Third Person Point of View


Captain Israel met her fall and was no longer the second Captain of the ocean. But she was replaced by a man who had been transported in that very world. His name was Captain Arata.

The moment the pirates chanted his name was the moment everyone knew what was about to come. Rumour spread like wildfire, and it had also reached the Governor of the Kingdom.

A man sat inside in his municipality, with a pile of notes resting on his deck. It was a peaceful afternoon. He was about to finish his work when a messenger came and disrupted his peace.

“S-Sir! G-Governor! Thank goodness, you’re here!” the courier panicked, and fell flat on the floor. By the time he found his footing, the messenger fixed himself and caught his breath.

“This better be good. Tell me you’ve found the pirates, or else I’ll have you deported to whence you’ve come from.”

The man, who was the governor, was in a pretty bad mood. After all, he had finished hundreds…
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