Chapter 94, More Opportunities Outside

Chapter Ninety Four; More Opportunities Outside

“Do you really have to follow me here?” Mr. Baron lifted up his head and looked straight at him with a proud smile on his face, he was already feeling like Lucas was solely there because of him because deep down within him, he couldn’t believe that Lucas would still reach the extend of being in the number one membership only exclusive Goof course in the country.

It also did not help because they were currently in the lounge and that was where other people were also, only a few went into the locker room to change, otherwise, the gentlemen and other women were were present, all trying to network first before playing a friendly game.

Now it’s normal for Mr. Patrick Baron to get unwanted attention wherever he goes, every one wants to just meet him and being thousands of proposal to new businesses and partnership with him.

Although this has been going on for a while now, Mr. Patrick Baron didn’t let himself be weighed by it, and would alwa
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