I Married a Beautiful Boss After the Breakup

30 ratings

I Married a Beautiful Boss After the Breakup

By: Seafarer's Strike Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 1812 views: 139.6K

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After breaking up with his girlfriend, Eric Johnson married a beautiful female CEO to cover his father's $15,000 surgical bill.

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  • Clair Yona


    There are part of the story which is not inconsistent, like the father of Eric was supposed to be in the Private ward but the stated again that he's in the general ward.

    2023-12-01 22:51:52
  • Arnold Lopez


    Fabulous good novel to read life in struggles to success

    2023-11-25 11:10:05
  • fatuma sendigya


    beautiful story wish Eric will have a happy ending with sylivia

    2023-11-05 06:55:19
  • Narwal Saab


    Good Story

    2023-10-20 05:11:57
  • Thabani Heart Nhlatho


    Great story line please keep the chapters flowing

    2023-10-11 01:47:09
  • Richard Norman


    ok time to say again book is really great but chapters need to come out much much faster

    2023-10-06 01:40:35
  • shuaib adewole


    This storyline was highly marvellous and interesting. Keep up the good work

    2023-10-04 13:49:46
  • Josh Mod


    this is a great book to read. the storyline is very good

    2023-10-01 16:12:24
  • Richard Norman


    could you do a massage release please need a whole lot more chapters

    2023-09-08 07:20:24
  • jomar quibuyen


    5 star ratings

    2023-09-08 06:20:52
  • Richard Norman


    need more chapters fast reading them 2 fast need more

    2023-08-31 18:22:16
  • Marilou Baccay


    I am beginning to fall in love with the story. It is has family values..

    2023-08-11 11:44:58
  • Richard Norman


    please update

    2023-08-09 06:12:49
  • Ankit Yadav


    best book i have ever read

    2023-08-05 11:45:40
  • Richard Norman


    can u update already

    2023-08-02 11:10:18
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Latest Chapter
1812 chapters
Chapter 1
“David, I-I want to talk to you about raising my salary." Eric Johnson said this when he stood nervously in the general manager's office.David Westman, playing games on his computer, looked up.He leaned back into his big chair, looking at Eric with a smirk. "Oh, Eric, why did you suddenly bring this up?"Eric bit his lips and clenched his fists. "David, I've been with the company for almost eight years, starting as an intern right after I graduated. My peers have become part of the management team while I'm still stuck in a technical position. You know how it's like for my family, right? My mother just had surgery and requires chemotherapy. Every week—"David interjected, "Eric, let's not bring in personal issues when discussing work here."Eric lowered his head upon hearing David's words. His cheeks turned red.He had been working diligently in this tech company for eight years. Within the industry, he was known for his excellent technical skills and knowledge.However, with
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Chapter 2
Eric regained his senses in the hospital and was confused upon seeing the unfamiliar surroundings."Eric, you're finally awake!"When a man noticed Eric had regained consciousness, he sprung to his feet hastily. He was none other than one of Eric's colleagues, Andy Bikman.Eric looked at Andy and asked, "What happened?""You're really fortunate to be alive. You got electrocuted in David's office and almost died!" Andy blurted.Eric was stunned. He finally recalled what had happened previously. He had threatened David, but the latter caught him off guard and punched him.Andy glanced at Eric and said, "I'll return to the office now that you are awake. Listen to me, Eric. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater."Then Andy left the ward.Eric had no time to figure out what Andy's words meant because he needed to rush to the hospital where his parents were.When Eric arrived, the red light of the operating theater was still on. Eric's mother and a woman in her 30s were wait
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Chapter 3
Eric had dreamed of buying a house in the Rosewood Estate after graduating. However, it would be impossible for him to buy a house in his lifetime while working for David. Needless to say, he did not expect his initial dream to be realized in such a way.Before leaving, Sylvia had informed Eric that he must spend the night at the Rosewood Estate unless he had something urgent to attend to.Eric felt hopeless but quickly came to terms upon thinking about the large sum of money he would receive as a divorce settlement three years later.After recollecting his thoughts, Eric hailed a taxi and returned to the hospital. He let out a huge sigh of relief after depositing the remaining $13,500 into the hospital account. The heavy burden in his heart was finally lifted.Mrs. Johnson and Elly were still waiting anxiously outside the operating theater. The two of them approached Eric instantly as he came through the doors. Before they could exchange words, Eric's phone rang.Looking at the i
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Chapter 4
In the hospital.Eric's father was wheeled out of the operating theater and transferred to the ICU.Mrs. Johnson again broke into tears, so Eric and Elly quickly comforted her as the surgery was successful.The ICU was off-limits, so the Johnsons had to wait quietly outside until Mr. Johnson regained consciousness.A loud voice startled Eric at that moment, causing him to jolt in his seat."Eric, you b*stard! You ruined my youth! I demand compensation!" He hurried to the nearest window and peered down, only to witness Jasmine brandishing a megaphone and bellowing beneath a crimson banner that bore the words: "Eric, you scumbag! Compensate me for ruining my youth!""You dumped me after all the years I spent with you! You scumbag! Get down here right now!" Jasmine shouted through the megaphone.A commotion was stirred in the hospital because of her.Everyone was curious who Eric was to have offended a woman to such an extent. The crowd gathered behind Jasmine expanded so out of
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Chapter 5
Eric was stunned. He did not expect Sylvia to show up, let alone give Jasmine a slap across the cheek, which was utterly gratifying.Jasmine was dumbfounded.Her head buzzed, and her cheek burned intensely from the blow. Sylvia might appear delicate, but she was surprisingly strong."H-How dare you hit me!?" Jasmine trembled uncontrollably after regaining her senses.She raised her hand to return the favor, but Eric blocked her.Jasmine nearly lost her footing as Eric gently pushed her away.Sylvia remained silent as she glanced at Eric's back."Eric Johnson!" Jasmine burst into rage. "How dare you lay your hands on me!?"She never expected Eric to make a move against her for another woman."Why not?" Eric stared indifferently at Jasmine. "Enough with your shenanigans. Get lost, or I'll expose your dirty secret to the public. I believe they'd be thrilled to hear such an exciting story."Sylvia's sudden appearance gave Eric time to recollect himself. He could still turn the ta
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Chapter 6
A user with a wolf head avatar responded to Brook's voice message.Sylvester: [Describe his physical appearance, Brooke!]Brook was peering into the living room through the pair of binoculars.Eric looked at Sylvia, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room. There was an awkward silence as Eric realized he had nothing to say to Sylvia.It was Sylvia who broke the silence."Why are you home so early? Don't you need to be with your family in the hospital? The agreement stated you need to get home before 9:00 p.m., but there are always exceptions when it comes to special circumstances. It's important to take care of a sick family member," said Sylvia."My mother is at the hospital taking care of things," replied Eric.He was still in shock.After so many years living in Salt City, Eric knew the Rosewood Estate was a neighborhood where the city's wealthy and elites lived.The house was spacious, at least 200m², and estimated to be worth at least $750,000. Eric finally came to
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Chapter 7
Brook was caught up in his thoughts when the wolf head avatar responded.Sylvester: [What did you see, Brook? Stop keeping us hanging! Everyone is concerned about Sylvia's marriage so spill the beans!]Brook: [You're absolutely not going to believe this!]Brook laughed upon hearing Sylvester's anxious voice and recounted what he had witnessed earlier.Connor sent a Shocked emoticon.A moment later, the wolf head avatar responded.Sylvester: [Brook, continue observing them. Why didn't Sylvia introduce her husband to the family if they have come this far?]Meanwhile, Eric had laid Sylvia on the bed under her guidance.She quickly covered herself with a blanket and said, "If I remember it correctly, there is a black night gown in the wardrobe further to the left in the dressing room. Do not open the rest of the wardrobes. Also, bring me the makeup bag and the book on the sofa.""Can I open my eyes now?" asked Eric.Sylvia rolled her eyes and replied, "Are you capable of looking
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Chapter 8
Eric clenched his fists tightly as David had humiliated him. At the same time, David leaned forward and smiled mischievously at Eric."Isn't it a wonderful surprise? Do you like it?" mocked David.Jasmine could not help but laugh. Eric was not only poor but also a coward. He did not even dare retaliate after David had humiliated him. She was still angry about her encounter with Sylvia yesterday and wanted to vent her anger on Eric.David spread his arms and shrugged."I just love seeing you employees who can't stand me and can't do anything about it. It's pure pleasure," David said as he took a cigarette out of his pocket, lit it, and placed it in his mouth. He looked at Eric, released a billowing cloud of smoke into the air, and added, "I cheated on you, so what are you going to do about it? Hit me?""David Westman!" Eric gnashed his teeth and punched David in the face. "I'm beating the hell out of you!"Eric knocked David out of his chair and his cigarette out of his mouth. His
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Chapter 9
"His wife?" Eric looked puzzled."Yes." Brook said. "David's wife henpecks him because she owns half of the company. His wife will be livid if she finds out David is messing around with his employee's girlfriend. All you need is evidence of his debauchery.""Thanks for the tip-off," said Eric. "Why are you helping me, though?" he asked.Brook smiled and said, "Why? I'm just simply a kind-hearted person.""Thank you! I need to attend to an urgent matter now. I owe you a meal."Eric hailed a taxi and left.Brook slapped his forehead as he said inwardly, 'Why am I helping him if he's cheating on Sylvia? But Sylvia is very protective of her people. If she finds out her husband is in trouble and I didn't help him out, she will turn on me as well! Sigh.'Brook was in a dilemma. He was thinking if he should inform Sylvester that Eric had cheated on Sylvia. He quickly dismissed the thought after realizing the dreaded aftermath it would ensue. The situation would not be in favor of him i
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Chapter 10
Eric said, "There must be a mistake, doc! I just paid $15,000 yesterday!" Eric was embarrassed to ask Sylvia for money again."A mistake? This is the bill, according to the billing system. We didn't expect the patient's condition to be so serious, and your account has run out of money."Eric looked at the bill only to realize that they had spent all $15,000 and owed the hospital a few hundred bucks.David was delighted to see Eric panic."Eric, weren't you bold enough to hit me? Show us how bold you are and punch the doctor in the face, and I'll settle the rest of the outstanding bill for you!" David taunted Eric.Eric clenched his fists tightly. David must be behind this, so he tried hard to avoid punching David in the face again."I demand to check the account! There must be a mistake!" said Eric.He wondered if David had conspired with the doctor and handed him a fake bill. The truth would be revealed by going through the account.The doctor smiled and said, "You're free t
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