Chapter 95; winning Is The Only Way

Chapter Ninety Five; Winning Is The Only Way

“Oh my goodness, what do you think they are talking about?”

“Do you think they are planning a business collaboration?”

The hushed chatters among the other people kept on increasing and increasing and people wondered what the two people were talking about.

But before they were able to find out what really was going on, at that moment, Mr. Johnson, the client that Lucas was there to see in the first place decided to make an appearance from the changing room, immediately drawing attention tiward himself.

“Hello Gentlemen, Mr. Baron, Lucas, you are both here already, I see you’ve already met.” Mr. Johnson said in a loud and audible voice, still filled with excitement as if he is not aware of the tension in the air that’s created by The very gentlemen that he was talking to.

The crowd that were gathering at a safe distance in front of those two men suddenly lost interest as they felt the drama that would age happened just got hindered by Mr. J
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