Chapter 97, His Power and Wealth Has Such Limit

Chapter Ninety Seven; His Power And His Wealth Has Such Limit.

At that question, everyone abruptly stopped what they were doing and looked at him in anticipation of what he was going to say.

Lucas also noticed how the man didn’t try to ask if he knew Mr. Baton or nit, it was a question to make him spill the bean, that is if they had some, any form of relation, then he would reveal himself, but Lucas had been studying the way the rich act, so he is able to understand that they meant he should spill the beans.

It then no longer felt like a wonder to Lucas as to why they were acting extra nice to him even though if felt like Mr. Baron was not happy with him, it could be that they had an ulterior motive for motive behind their kindness.

So Lucas naturally knew that he had to be careful about what he says when he’s in the midst of these people who’s words and actions are calculating and they also try to read meaning into any thing that crosses their paths.

“Mr. Baron is undoubtedly one of
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