Right at that moment, Derek thought of meeting his wife and sharing some romantic moments with her after a very long and exhausting day.

In addition, he thought to get her a gift, a romantic one at that. A huge surprise to ignite their youthful love.

However, the moment he walked a little far away from Brighten Gale, he heard a voice call behind him.

The feminine attractive voice sent cold chills down his spine. It sounded so familiar, inquisitively, Derek turned around to know who it was.

To his greatest amazement, it was Autumn. As usual, she looked young, dressed in a wine silk gown, slit to the kneel with a decorative rose made out of crinoline stuck to her front line.

Every young guy would fall for her seductive and innocent looks.

If only she was the way she looked, how good would it have been? Derek thought to himself at first admiration.

He hurriedly snapped out of his thoughts and drew his brows together wondering what she was doing around such a place.

"Surprised to see me
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