Past Of A Future

Once again, Jinhoo defeated his opponent even though it wasn't as easy as the past ones. Though he keep going against stronger opponents, Jinhoo was happy about it since it was making him stronger. He made sure not to rely on his points so much, he use his brains and never relent on his exercise even when he gets no points from them.

"Are you on drugs?" Jinwoo asked his student the moment they got home.

"Why do you ask?"

"The way you recover in the morning and your injury heals fast." Jinwoo has noticed how Jinhoo is always ready to fight even after nearly passing out the previous day. And the injury he sustained in a fight doesn't wear him down. Jinhoo's ability to recover is not enough to say he is superhuman but it's enough to make one believe that he has a strong body or using some drug enhancement.

"No master, I just meditate and since I am always careful not to break any bone, with just a good night's sleep I easily recover." There is no way Jinhoo would tell his master that hi
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