The smell of blood wafted through the air.

The winds that carried the smell of death kept blowing incessantly.

“Sir, the enemy troops have withdrawn from the territory, they have retreated to the rear.”

The captain very respectfully reported.

“Tell the Deputy General, stay and handle the rest. And you follow me back to Cheal City."

The tall and majestic figure of the General always gives people an indescribable pressure. This is the war god of Dong Uy, no one knows his true identity. Everything about General Chien Than is only in the secret file, this whole Dong Uy only two people can open this file.

“About Cheal City?”

The Captain's face was a bit hazy.

"Right. Go tonight.”

The General made a decisive decision and turned his back to the headquarters to prepare.

Looking at that majestic figure, the Captain was a little confused, but thinking of something, it seemed clear.

Everyone knows the reputation of the War God General, but not many people know that this war god had a p
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